Monday, July 28, 2008

was relaxing at first but it quickly turned to stressful when after everything, our consultant spent the next 45 minutes in an enlosed room persuading us to sign up one of their packages. We tried different tactics...our parents would never allow, we are students and we don't have any money and the no atm card fake-out but nothing works! She was so damn persistent and didn't seem to understand that we can't afford their packages unless we start crapping money! But then again, she barely understands English. In fact, we spent half the time trying to understand her and the other half, she was trying to understand us! Nad gave up halfway and started reading her magazine in the corner.

The enclosed room I was talking about and Nad was exactly in the corner where she gave up and started reading her magazine.

"I have flimples..."

In case you're wondering, that's 'flat pimples'.

"Let's all do weird poses!"

You can tell we listen to what Nad says.

But once in a while, we do listen to her like when she asked us to dance and put our hands in the air like we just don't care! Ok, I just had to add the last part.

We like to call this our victory dance which we perfected during our JC days and which I like to do during P.E.

"Nas! What are you doing?"

"I'm doing the victory dance!"

"But you just lost!"

"Who cares? It's volleyball..."

After me and Azy dutifully followed Nad's stupid idea, she scolded me because my camera has no anti-shake features.

Azy, the super-heroine!

If I say I have crazy friends and people reply, "Really?" in a disbelieving tone, I'll just show them this picture.

At one point, I was coughing like mad, but don't worry it wasn't a case of foodal chokage or anything. But Azy was very concerned.

"Nas! Are you okay?"

"The sea coconut just slided down my throat!"


"I mean 'slode'!"


Saturday, July 26, 2008

On the last day of Nad's relief stint in MJ, we collected our SGCs, which by the way, is such a letdown because it was so much nicer the last time! Our darling friend, MOE, decided to standardise all SGCs and it turned out to be this dull, brownish folder, which became uglier the moment you flip to my results page.

While waiting for the admin lady (whose name was See Lacy or something like that.. Which i thought was unique yet laughable. But it was nothing compared to the cashier lady at Cold Storage Compasspoint whose nametag read 'Lily Lee') so that Nad can sign out, we took pictures in the G.O and Nad decided to get all.... I'm not sure. You decide.

Well, if she's going for scary, that's not even remotely scary! I guess everyone has their own ways of showing displeasure at our dull SGCs.

Then we met Farah and Aziemah and had lunch at Hei Sushi! I'm getting really sick of that place! But Nad had a $10 off coupon, so....

I'm not sure what we ordered exactly but I'm pretty sure they ended with -tori, -buri, -mono or -yaki.
In the end, we ended up with another coupon and only then did we realise that we're gonna be stuck in this vicious cycle for some time.

P.s The next time you're at Compasspoint, visit Cold Storage. If you need help figuring out who is Lily, she looks exactly like Mark Lee. Hey, maybe they are related!! I can't believe I didn't realise that before.

P.p.s Sorry about the blurry pictures because my camera was set to night mode. I didn't know my brother changed it cos he was taking pictures of the moon last night. Gosh, I sometimes worry what he's gonna grow up to be.
I present to you....My father, the rapper.

And I present to you...the World's Most Useless Door!

That day was special to me. It was the day I realised that if you say something with enough conviction, people will do anything you say. Case in point: Zakiah and my brother posing with a dumb door.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Happy Birthday,


A hungry Nad makes a sleepy Nad.

The salmon and mushroom pasta.

The Tic-Tac-Toe.

Farah and Azy busy dissecting food. Nad and Azy ordered the Mega Burger which was more mega than burger.

Mission accomplished! You would think they were too full for anything else...

...but think again! But what's Swensen's without the ice-cream right?


Finally, being full is starting to take a toll on us! What were we thinking ordering 4 ice-creams?!

Look how sane we all were pre-dessert! Even though Nad's face says: How come I must pose for a stupid picture when there are 4 ice-creams yet to be eaten in front of me?!
Azy: It was so smart of us ordering 4 ice-creams!
Nad: I know...

Since I was late for tuition, I was very, very grateful Farah offered us a ride home. THANK YOU FARAH!
And guess who's the co-pilot? I'll give you a clue: You're reading her blog. :)

And guess which 3 are the most deserving of Farah and my backview? I'll give you a hint....

Happy Birthday Riane!

I'm so glad we are friends! I remembered the first time I met you, you were giving out stickers with your name on it and telling us that those were for your fans who wanted to join your fanclub. To be honest, I thought you were a little, you know...cuckoo but now I'm a fan and if there really is a fanclub, I'll be the president. Haha.

And even though I spend half the time trying to figure out what you're slurring and the other half trying to correct your Malay, I couldn't have survived JC without you. I especially cannot imagine SLC without you and Haz.

If there is one thing I could change about you, I wouldn't! Well, maybe if you could talk slower and enunciate properly, that would be great. Ok ok, I'm just kidding.


And I hope your cats will stop scratching you cos I think it's a poor repayment for an animal activist such as yourself. :)

Because the queue for the Genting Skyway was super long.... mum emo-ed the time away.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

06S501 outing at HEI SUSHI. Ok, I'm getting really sick of that place now. I was really really looking forward to meeting them all but unfortunately, I only stayed for awhile cos I wasn't feeling too well. So I can't really say much about the outing but Joyce certainly did!

-finally, class outing with 06s501!
-was supposed to meet at 5... but no one was there till late 5-ish.
-early poor nas waited till she felt faint for the un-punctual people...
-she had to go to haising sickbay!!! (nad proceeded to bluff me that she works there as a part-time nurse. oh wells)
-nad finally came. sam, wanying, me, loraine, bev, nas and ms sim!
-Hei sushi.-talks laughter. GOSH! i miss them. Life's never boring with 501.
-ms sim: earthquake/drought (forgot which one..) and the farmer interviewed went on to exclaim "my cows have nothing to drink!!" nad: "aiyo just milk them then let them drink back again la!"
-from Joyce's blog

You are such an inspiration to those farmers Nad. And a beacon of hope for those thirsty cows. And if you want to lie about my job, give me something more glamorous than part-time nurse at HaiSing please!