Monday, August 25, 2008

Beijing Olympics Closing CeremonyOnly the Chinese can do that!

One of the more memorable moments in the ceremony.

David Beckham came, stand on a bus, smiled, waved and kicked a ball. Big Deal.

Using both sides of the paper helps to save the Earth but drums, I'm not so sure.

Once again, the Chinese left me speechless and awestruck with their closing ceremony last night! They certainly said goodbye with the loudest bang! I can’t remember the last time I held my breath for so long until my heart aches and I totally forgot how it feels like to have my eyes glued for so long on the tv till my eyes water. And don’t even get me started on the fireworks! Not only did those fire work, it worked it’s ass off!

I feel so sorry for those who missed it...which brings me to say this: How can anyone NOT watch the Olympics?! It’s like bringing thousands of bionic man and women with superhuman skills and strength together and watching them try to outdo each other! The least us, mere mortals, can do is to witness them do that. This year, in particular, was full of awe-inspiring moments.

1) Michael Phelps winning 8 gold medals and breaking 7 world records while at it will certainly be remembered for a long time.

2) Usain Bolt insanely bolting through all his races and creating such a huge gap between him and the other runners that you would think the rest were walking or something.

3) More than 40 world records and more than 100 Olympic records were set!!!

4) Singaporean swimmer Tao Li breaking the Asian record twice and went on to the finals to be the 5th fastest swimmer in the world.

5) The opening and closing ceremonies where every moment was awe-inspiring.


“For China, the investment of more than 40 billion dollars on the Games reaped handsome rewards.
They not only topped the gold medal count, but a near flawless organisation meant the controversies that marred the build-up largely slipped into the background. “

I couldn’t have said it better myself. Thank you China for bringing paper and fireworks into our lives but most of all, thank you for creating the greatest spectacle on tv since F.R.I.E.N.D.S. In a world where guys impersonate Britney Spears and girls impersonate Michael Jackson for a living, and where sports and wellness are taken over by the likes of iGallop and uPapa, it’s nice to know that some things never change. The Olympics never fail to showcase the human spirit and the human strength in great splendour.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

At first I was having doubts because I don't usually use LG but I read 43 reviews from different websites and only 4 are bad! It's a new and improved LG Prada. It has a 3" full touchscreen and a 5 MEGAPIXEL camera with image stabilizer and high-speed video recording which enables you to take 120 frames per second! So you can view your videos at slower speed. AND, you can upload it directly to youtube! :)
From the back, it really looks like an ordinary digicam..

My Phone Sweet Phone. :)

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Dear friends,

Some of you might have heard of my latest plight. It causes me great pain to say this but I guess I can't run away from the truth anymore... MY PHONE WAS STOLEN!!! While I was in a damn packed bus from Malaysia Immigration Checkpoint to the Singapore one.

It wasn't as though I left it unattended but it was actually pickpocketed from my bag. It was bad enough that it was stolen right under my nose but this phone also happens to be my favourite phone so far!

Those who know me can tell you that I change phones every few months and the fact that this phone stuck with me for almost a year now is saying something! And because of that, there were, you know....certain emotional attachment to it.

And now that I lost both my SIM card and 1gb memory card, I've lost all 800+ contacts, 462 pictures and 32 videos!

Of all the countless times I've been to Malaysia, this was the first time I brought my phone with me because I just applied for the Pay-As-You-Roam service the day before(which, by the way, DIDN'T WORK so I might as well left it at home)! The only time I took it out was to....check the time and once, to see where my shoe went in the cinema hall.

And probably the worst thing is, I kinda knew who stole it because when I had time to think about it, the chinese 'lady' standing next to me was the only one who could reach into my bag easily and I remembered that I was annoyed she kept moving her hands cos it made my bag slid (yes! i remember the past tense of slide!) from my shoulder. Okay, actually that's not the worst part... when we were alighting, I accidentally bumped into her and SAID SORRY AND SMILED AT HER! Talk about fraternising with the enemy!

The only thing I could do was to look on the bright side. And I realised the very thin, almost invisible, blow-and-it-goes-away silver lining is that I could get a new phone. Usually this would thrill me like crazy but this time round, I just feel that I would be cheating on my old phone! I lost the will to be thrilled! And i know the only way to make me feel better is if I cheat on my old phone with a hotter and newer model. And perhaps, if I can get all my contacts again.

So if you're reading this, please please give me your number...either email me at, send me a friendster/facebook message or sms me as I'm still using my old number. Here's an advanced THANK YOU! May you make my day better.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Beijing 2008
Opening Ceremony

It is just very unfortunate that our National Day falls a day just after the opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympics. Oh which by the way, in case you didn't watch, was spectacularly awesome! And I really mean it cos I don't usually use 2 adjectives back to back. Seriously, I felt so sorry for Singapore!

I know it was no comparison (the Olympics vs. National Day Parade?!) but we barely had 24 hours to get over the awesome-ness of the opening ceremony before Singapore let loose hundreds of secondary school students with multi-coloured clothes and face paint, running all over Marina Bay to get into 'formation'.
But as much as I felt sorry for Singapore, I'm even sorrier for those who missed the opening ceremony.
Finally, an answer! The basis of all things medical.....
Everything Comes Down to Poo

Monday, August 4, 2008

MJC's 4th College Day

That's me! And unfortunately, my sis doesn't know how to use the zoom function.

I was talking to Ms Sim and the subject of Nad taking over her lessons came up.

"You know that Nad ah! I ask her to take attendance, she didn't. I asked her to fill in the log book, she didn't. I came back after 1 month and everything's empty! I nearly fainted!"

Nad Nad.... And I distinctively remember you complaining to me about how boring it was in the staff room. But I didn't tell Ms Sim that, of course! Instead, I told her about how you were lecturing and felt thirsty but you lifted the wrong hand and drank the microphone instead of your bottle.

After eating in the canteen (Urgggh!), me, my mum and sis quickly got out of the school cos we were excited to go to EXPO! They were having the Watson's fair and Asian Food Fair. But at the bus stop, I realised I forgot to say bye to Azy! So I called her...

Me: Azy, I go home first k?

Azy: Okay, go lah! Are u asking me for permission?

Me: No, just that I forgot to say bye and I'm at the bus stop already. Sorry!

Azy: It's okay! Anyway, I'm at the expressway already!

Ok, I forgive her cos poor Azy was dizzy throughout the entire ceremony. She was fine when I met her before but when she went home, she was down with fever! In all seriousness, I diagnosed her with MJ-itis and told her not to step into MJ again for her own good.

Sunday, August 3, 2008


This is the awesomest party I've been to! It was held at Cafe Del Mar and the best part was that it was kept as a secret from dear Farah! Farah, I'm so so sorry I didnt wish you a birthday message but I hope you understand that it was part of the 'plan'.

As you can see, the day didnt start out well what with Nad tricking me and Riane into eating intensely over-dyed sweets. But it wasn't so much 'tricking' since Nad ate it as well. And then Azy forced us to take a picture with our tongues out. Apparently, I was too embarassed to do it but what was more apparent was that I was in between 2 people whose skin were as thick as their tongues were blue.

After what seems like forever, we finally reached Cafe Del Mar but Aziemah and Sery were caught up in traffic so we sat our sandy butts down and played games on Nad's HP mini. Such nerds! But in our defence, it was Nad who brought her HP mini there. So she's a bigger nerd. True story!

After a series of ugly pictures, I thought my camera might need a break so I took this visually-calming picture!

While everyone was busy prepping for Farah's surprise.....

....guess who were the lazy bums of the day! Nad looked she might sleep anytime soon!

But when the food and drinks came, guess who's suddenly awake again?

Azy and her amazingly accurate self photo-taking skills which I'm so grateful for. If either me or Nad tried to take a picture of the 3 of us, I'm pretty sure certain facial anatomies will be cut off.

Finally, the birthday girl has arrived!!! Somebody shouted, "FARAH'S HERE!" and subconsciously we all ducked. Which was stupid because a) we ducked behind metal railings which of course, didnt provide any cover at all and b) she was blindfolded.

The mastermind of the entire party and the surprise was Farah's boyfriend who's in this photo!

I'm so helpful, I know... Hehe.

Self-absorbed kids blowing bubbles. Haha.

Then, it was time to cut the cake! I think Farah tried blowing the candle 6 times before she realised we used magic self-rekindling candles! I think I would have collapsed from oxygenatal shortage before that. Wait, if i'm blowing out carbon dioxide, why would I collapse from oxygenatal shortage?

Everyone seemed to enjoy the fact that Farah was having a hard time blowing out the candles. Everyone except Nad and Riane who were damn hungry and who, I distinctively remembered, were eyeing the food the whole time. Self-absorbed kids!

Nothing beats sunset at Sentosa with warm company to boot...
Time to eat! And somehow the balloon ALWAYS seems to be covering someone's face!


You know, till now, I am so grateful that we were roomates in London.
If you truly wanna know a person, nothing beats going to a foreign country and rooming in together for 2 weeks. Right?
Thank God for London, I've discovered another down-to-earth, fun and easy-going person which can be so hard to come by in MJ.
Oh, in case you're wondering, I'm referring to you, Farah. Haha.

Remember we used to stay up late just talking?
Or eat fresh berries from Sainbury's across our hotel?
Or to listen to Farhan and Sharvin gossiping next door?
Or pretending to listen to Riane's "inspiring" story which put everyone to sleep?

Best time of my life! Except the last part...Sorry Riane but I really couldn't understand your story! If it makes you feel better, no one could...Right Farah?

Anyway, after 2 years of studying in that hell-hole, I'm so thankful that we're still friends...I remebered just after A'levels, you asked me out for lunch but I was busy and then you said, "Ok, but I really don't want us to be friends-just-in-school-but-not-after-that!"
Don't worry, we are not! And we won't be!

Special shout-out to Aziemah and Sery for organising such an awesome party and for letting us be a part of a wonderful celebration. And special thanks to Shahrul for cooking up the idea in the first place!