Friday, September 26, 2008

I was inspired by Azlyna to look through my notes and look for scribbles. Unfortunately, the most scribbled notes are maths and chem notes and those are the ones I gave away! At this point I would like to say good luck to those who actually want to learn something out of those notes.

The I-Fell-Asleep-And-Dunno-What-the-Hell-I'm-Writing scribbles.
Sleepisaurus Scribble-itis
Trust me, I have alot of these...

Our tongue-in-cheek Geography project. :)

Azy's favourite phrase during lectures: "Penat-ing seh!"

This is what happens if I watch Harry Potter before studying...

And this is what happens when I get too stressed... OMG, I'm such a sad sack, talking to myself!

The rest are courtesy of Azy and all her fully-scribbled notes.

How are tampons ever sexual?

Azy: Nas! Don't conteng my notes with your highlighter!
Nas: But that's a very important point.....

As much as she isn't ironic...

Ms Ng: Am I going to slow?

Azy: Nooooooooo...

Ms Ng: Do you want me to speed up?
Azy: Yesssssssss....

I always end up getting the most deformed boys and the parachute skirt. NOT FAIR!

Nad was: Nad Bod Lim Tock Siew Mai

Mine was: Nasirah Al-Munsyi (something that sounds disgusting but I forgot) Mansor

The result of a very bad joke and a parody of FRIENDS gone wrong.

"Her red penis super cheapo". Hahah.

If we were ever comic characters, these would be us!

"Azy, do you think we could have done better for A's if we didn't do all that?"
"I think we would have failed our A's if we didn't do all that!"
And she's right! It's things like these that keep us sane and from wanting to jump through the fire escape window in our classroom.

Monday, September 22, 2008

For those of you wondering what I'm suffering from, it's called VASOVAGAL SYNCOPE.

From Wikipedia...

Typical triggers for vasovagal episodes include:

1) prolonged standing or upright sitting, particularly when standing with legs in a locked position for long periods of time. Avoidance of long-term locking of one's legs in the standing position is taught in the military, as well as marching band and drill team.

2) stress

3) any painful or unpleasant stimuli, such as

-giving a blood donation or watching someone give one
-watching someone experience pain
-watching/experiencing medical procedures
-sight of blood
-occasions of slight discomfort, such as dental and eye examinations

4) hyperthermia, a prolonged exposure to heat

5) sudden onset of extreme emotions

6) hunger

7) nausea or vomiting

8) dehydration

9) urination ('micturition syncope') or defecation ('defecation syncope')

10) pressing upon certain places on the throat, sinuses, and eyes

11) high altitude

12) use of certain drugs that affect blood pressure, such as amphetamine

13) intense laughter

And no Fariq, I did not find out about this while I was defacating on top of a building and cutting myself!
As sad as it was to find out that you suffer from something that's quite unpronunciable, I'm happy because there's finally an explanation!

The more I think about it, the more it makes sense... I'm afraid of heights and I always get the feeling of vertigo, even when I'm at the 4th storey, I cannot see blood even if it's my own without feeling woozy and nauseas, if I have diarrhoea, my mum has to be extra careful in case I faint in the toilet and the last time I forgot to eat, I blacked out while alighting the bus and fell down the steps.
Let's just say that out of the 13 episodes provided, I have points 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 11 down pat. I'm just glad that I don't faint from intense laughter or else I'll be fainting 3 times a day and would have to start hanging out with less interesting people.

If I do not have this thing, I'll probably be brave enough to put 'nursing' as my first choice in NUS, I'll probably stay longer at GPA dental for my attachment (if it weren't for my mum too) and I'll probably be able to understand why people say sitting at the front of the upper deck of buses is fun.

On top of that, I also found out that the reason why I havent had mences for 9 months and counting is probably because I have non-functioning ovaries. But I'll probably won't have to do anything about it unless I want to start having babies so that will give my ovaries about 10 years to WAKE UP AND START DOING THEIR JOBS! The worst part is, I still get intense stomach cramps every month but nothing comes out. It's like going to get a tatoo done in invisible ink.


Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Wednesday, September 10, 2008

From Harry Potter... Hairy Potter.

ENGLISH as Speaken by Others
Credits to
Yes, and please appreciate the funny of this entry.

How dirty are the toilets anyway?
The Wonderful Adventures of the Toilet.
"Entering of the person whom the nasty smell does is refused."

Good rule, Bad English.

"Oops, I drowned my son again"

I know!
Okay, what?

Herpes, anyone? They're the cheapest!

I'm sure the flies in France are classier than the ones we have here. At least, ours are free.

"Always try to big"