Thursday, January 31, 2008

THURSDAY, 31st January 2008

I watched 27 DRESSES and it is GREE-AAT! I absolutely looo-ve it. If you are probably sick of me double syllabling single syllabled words, then too baa-ad!

Ok all i'm saying is, go and watch 27 DRESSES! It's no ordinary chick-flick. 1st, because there's James Marsden (Du-uh!). 2nd, do we need another reason? Ok kidding, i won't be shallow just because i've watched a chick flick. The chemistry between Katherine Heigl and James Marsden? WOW!

Thanks Syaza for paying for the movie tickets and popcorn! She got her pay on Monday. Who says i need to work?? I just need to hang around people who do. Ok kidding again, it was a b'day treat! Sorry Syaza! And all my working friends!

Yesterday Syaza told me the funniest thing. Her brother watched Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone so many times that the cd broke! HAHA! So i told her, "Wow! Your brother really broke the record...for breaking records!" And here i really have to thank Syaza for laughing heartily even though my 'joke' was very lame. That's what friends are for right? And also to pay for movie tickets. Ok, i have GOT TO STOP before all my friends leave me. Sorry sorry.

My sister walked into my room just now.
My sis: Watchu watching?
Me: (Singing the theme song) Are you gra-,fah-,uhhh....smarter than a 5th grader!
My sis: Okay, you are so not.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

And i have a request by Joyce to write down a few dumb moments during PW. Which is alot but unfortunately, i can only remember a few. All i know is that I LOVE MY PW GROUP!

1. Around 1am, during sleepover at Nad's house to finish our written report.

JieFang: Do you think dragons exist?
Me: No! They are mythical..But you know what i always wanted to know?
JieFang: What?
Me: How long does it take for a dragon's fart to travel all the way down?
JieFang: What u mean ah?
Me: I mean, they have a loooong body..
Ying Xieng: Oh yeah...but maybe their stomachs are nearer to the end.
JieFang: Fart come from stomach ah?
Me: I think rectum..
JieFang and Ying Xieng: Oh yea...
Meanwhile, Joyce and Nad were busy editing our written report.

2. Ms Sim had to write a report about my leadership qualities and so she asked me...

Ms Sim: What do you think a good PW leader must do?
Me: Ummm..I think it's important they know how to delegate work.
Ms Sim: Do you?
Me: Yes.
Ms Sim: Good. So what work do you do?
Me: I, uh...delegate work.
And after that was the loudest forehead slap i've ever heard. Which reminds me why Ms Sim was crowned 'Ms Self-inflicted Pain'.

Oh gosh i really miss PW meetings. We always had so much fun. Even when we were working our butts off, we never forget to have fun. And look what my members gave me!! Oh, bless them!

WEDNESDAY, 30th January 2008

This is hilarious! I have to put it up. In case you don't know, this is a LIEBIG condenser. My sis told her class that if they have problems remembering the name, think of a "big lie" but just remember to switch the positions of these 2 words. Guess what 1 of her students wrote? "Biglip". HAHAHA!

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

TUESDAY, 29th January 2008

HELLO! Sorry i couldn't post yst as i was busy TRANSCRIBING!!! By now, u guys must be sick of this word. I know i am! So, i was transcribing until 3.22am and then i can't take it anymore so i emailed it to Azy. Miraculously, by noon today, she msged me to tell that she already finished it. So, yea! Life is good again and i'm watching F.R.I.E.N.D.S!

Ok let me tell you which tv shows i think should not be stopped making/or shown on tv:
1) Whose line is it anyway
2) S Club 7 series (they are funny and they all can act...and sing and dance! i mean, c'mon! Who needs a brit pop group like the Spice Girls who can only be counted to look pretty?)
3) F.R.I.E.N.D.S

FRIENDS is the greatest sitcom in the world and here's A FEW reasons why:

(While playing poker)
Phoebe: Hey i just realised something. 'Poker' is 'Joker' with a "P"! Coincidence?
Chandler: Hey, that's 'Joincidence' with a "C".

Chandler: You know what's weird? Donald Duck never wore pants. But whenever he's getting out of the shower, he always put a towel around his waist. I mean, what is that about?

Joey and Chandler are flipping coins to decide between ducks and clowns.
Chandler: We have to assign heads to something.
Joey: Right. Ok, ok, uh, ducks is heads, because ducks have heads.
Chandler: What kind of scary-ass clowns came to your birthday?

And while i'm listing lists, might as well add a few more....

Movies that should have been banned:
1) Any MVP movies starring apes, monkeys or anything with tails.
2) Son of the Mask
3) The Tony Blair Witch Project (i'm totally serious!)
4) Shark Attack 1, 2, and 3

Things that must end in this world:
1) Violence towards women and children
2) self-deluded contestants in singing competitions
3) Bush as president and here's why:

Sunday, January 27, 2008

SUNDAY, 27th January 2008

Ok, transcribing is hard work!!! A 10 minutes speech takes you about 1 hour to transcribe. And guess how long is the speech that I have to transcribe? 1 hr, 37 minutes, and 48 seconds! Azy , you HAVE to help me! I was so stressed I went to youtube and started taking beatboxing lessons! And now i'm officially beat. So i started thinking of stupid-smack-my-forehead-and probably-my-face-too moments.

1. In Anderson Sec,

Salihin: Remember Fariq?
Fariq: When did i ever tell you that?
Salihin: It wasn't you! Your sister told you and then you told me yesterday.
Fariq: Stop adding words into my mouth..and stop adding members into my family!
(Fariq didnt have a sister)

2. During IPW presentation in Sec 2,

Examiner: Why did you decide to make the board colourful?
Jeya: This board was meant for kids and teenagers and we find that they are more attracted to colourful things and that's why the board is colorful so i guess the reason why we made it so colourful is to attract these kids and teenagers as they like colours.
Examiner: Okayyy.....
Group members: Oh no.. Oh no...

3. During recess in Sec 2,

Prashin: Hey Nas, Khairyn, Zakiah!! Come come! 2 people are fighting in the next class...
(After the fight..)
Khairyn: Did you see what the guy with the silver stud on his chin did?
Prashin: That was a silver stud?! No wonder!! I was wondering the whole time why his mole was silver.

4. In a the lecture theatre where they were showing a news clipping with Suzanne Ho as the newsreader. I was sitting in between Nad and Azy.

Nad(proudly): Eh, Suzanne Ho from my school tau.
What i heard: Eh, Suzzane Ho from Mexico tau. (and hence, wondering why she said that proudly..)
5 seconds later...
Azy: Eh Nas, Suzanne Ho from my secondary school tau.
Me: Don't bluff!! Nad just told me she was from Mexico!
Azy: What?! Nad!
By then we had to stop cos the lecturer was staring at us.

5. During assembly, Nad saw this guy who had had an operation on his head.

Nad: Eh look!! That guy has an 'X' on his head. Look look! So cool!
Azy: So what? This girl (pointing to Nad) has an 'L' on her forehead.

6. Nad: Is my hair messy?
Me and Azy: Yes!
Nad: Ok, is it very messy?
Nad: Then, ok!

Azy: Hey Nas, do you think it's alright to insert pictures in our written report?
Nas: Ummm...i don't think so.
Azy: Really? Why ah?
Nas: Cos a picture speaks a thousand words and then you'll reach the word limit.

8. Geography tutorial with Ms Sim

Ms Sim: Ok so why do you think there was a post-war boom? What could have increased the birth rate so rapidly? Jasmin?
Jasmin: When the men get back from the war, and when they have not meet their wives for a very long time already, passions run high. And then...
Ms Sim: Hello! We are not writing some cheap erotic novels ok!

9. During Geography lecture,

Mr Chen showed a picture of the Singpore river with bumboats..
Mr Chen: What is the activity going on here?
Somebody: TRADING!

Mr Chen showed a picture of New York and Paris.
Mr Chen: Now this?
Somebody: RETAIL!

Mr Chen showed a picture of all the very tall buildings in Singpore's CBD.
Mr Chen: Ok, how about this one?
Mr Chen: C'mon, just give it a shot!
I told Nad, "Skyscrapping..Haha!"
Nad: SKYSCRAPPING!! (and then pointed to me.)

10. Another Geog lecture,

Mrs Pow: What could have influenced the birth rates? Anybody?
Me to Azy: Price of condoms..Haha!
Mrs Pow: Anybody?
Azy: Price of condoms! (and then looked at me.)

11. Riane Franciso is my good friend who cannot speak Malay for nuts but unfortunately takes it as her 2nd language. And we were in the school library and I was waiting for her to pack her stuff.

Riane: Hey Nas! Nanti untuk saya!

I ran away in embarassment.

11. My birthday, 2004.

Hashir: Happy Birthday Nasirah!!!
Me: Oh thank you so much!
Hashir: So what do you want for your birthday?
Me: Eh no no! Its okay. You don't have to get me anything.
Hashir: Do you want an ipod?
Me(thought for awhile...then..): Okay! I want the green one.
Hashir: Sorry..I have no money ah. Do you want a model of the ka'abah instead?
Me: What? No need lah!
Hashir: ohhh..Ipod, you want.. Ka'abah, you don't want. Where are your priorities?!!

12. Azy and Nad skipped Lit tutorial for the 20th time. This time, it's because they wanted to go to the petrol station and buy 1.5l bottled drinks to bring to the Rj vs. Mj soccer finals later that day. Unfortunately for them, their Lit teacher was walking around the school, looking for them. And fortunately for the lit teacher, both of them were in the atrium, in full, plain view of everyone.

Ms Goh: Why are you here?
5 secs later..
Ms Goh: I asked you, why are you here? Answer me.
Nad (lamely..): We skipped Lit.

13. During P.E, while training for 2.4km run..Me, Nad and Azy were walking on the track while most of the rest were...well, running.

Nad: Ok ok..after that yellow thing, we start running again k?
Me and Azy: What yellow thing?!
Nad: There! That one. (She was pointing to a P.E teacher wearing a yellow shirt.)

14. As described by Zakiah...

Hashir: woah, potong rambut nampak...
Zakiah: kau tk realise? aku potong rambut every week.
Hashir(wide eyed): every week? so ur pocket money is used just to cut your hair?
Zakiah: nolar. i cut my hair for 5 bucks.
Hashir(even wider eye): 5 bucks?! where you go? barber eh?

15. Again, as described by Zakiah...

Khairyn, Nasirah, Fifa, Mard n me just got down from 265 at the usual bus stop opp jubilee, and were salam-ing each other b4 we depart diff ways.

Nas n me were to take 86 and the rest were to take the mrt. and there i was standing at the bus stop, with the sun shining directly at me, and so i had my hand over my forehead to block the sun's ray.

And guess what nas did? she high5-ed me... thinking i wanted a high5 in an awkward manner.

Joke of the day.

Q: How do Hawaiians laugh?
A: A low "ha"

HAHAHAHA! Ok confim i'm not hawaiian. I told Nad this joke over msn and she said "OMG. So embarassing" At least i can tell a decent joke Nad! You always start your jokes with the answers itself!

SATURDAY, 26th January 2008...The Not Glitzy and Not Glamourous At All

I'm watching SHARK ATTACK 2. I figured if they make a sequel, then it had to be good even tho the title is screaming "Don't waste your time watching me!". Well, i was wrong and the title screams it all.

I just got back from pasar malam with my sis. SO FUN! i've been there 2 days in a row!!! And today was definitely "terperanjat" day. First i thot i saw a lizard (which turns out to be a dry leaf), so i screamed. Then while walking in a semi-dark area, my sis saw cockcroaches crawling in front of her but she cant run forward cos i'm in front so she pushed me. So i screamed. Again. Louder this time. And i think i saw a few heads peeking out of their windows. On the way back home, some kid skate-scootered out of a pillar and i screamed again. The kid was unbothered and continued as tho nothing happened. Stupid kid! Nearly scared me to death.

Then we got lost because we tried to avoid some people at the pasar malam. I think this is retribution. Me and my sis walked all the way to the entrance of the expressway!! HAHA! When the pasar malam was just a few blocks away from my house! Retribution is definitely bitter. BUT...we walked to block 143 and we saw new vending machines at the void deck!! Cool! We spent abt 3 bux on the vending machine.

Ok ok..sharks are about to attack soon..

To sum up: I realised I have a sad life. I get excited over pasar malams and vending machines.

Moral of the day: Don't do detours to avoid people.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

SATURDAY, 26th January 2008...The Glitz and the Not-So Glamour.
Today was the day i'm supposed to go to Holiday Inn Parkview Hotel. But before you can go "WAhhh!", wait! Me and Azy were there to be transcribers for the event. Which explains the "not-so glamour" part.

In the morning, Azy's parents picked me up (and then sent me back home!! I'm so lucky! Thanks Azy and her parents!) We were supposed to be there at 8.45 but we reached there at 8.10!!! Haha! So we hanged in their spotless-and-hey-let's-put-a-plant-in-the-middle-of-nowhere toilet. Where Azy realised her left foot is smaller and then she stuffed tissues in it!! So funny!(We were both wearing our VIVIE heels) By the end of the day, she was determined both her feet had shrunk due to the cold. HAHA!

The place was beautiful especially the Crystal Ballroom. And looking at the chandeliers? FUN! Being transcribers? NOT SO FUN. Being transcribers and having to sit at the front near the stage in full view of everyone? EVEN MORE NOT SO FUN. Having to transcribe a "talk cum discussion forum" that has no purpose and where most of the speakers were off tangent? Ok, i think you get my idea..

But then again, we got paid like $12+ for an hour which is GOOD. And the work's not very tiring. We learnt alot too. Like how educators and teachers always beat about the bush (according to Azy, the forest) and then not answering to the point. Azy's dad said, this was a case of if you cant convince them, then confuse them and i think he's totally right. Gosh, education screwed them over.

Morals of the day: Try not to be an educator. And even if you are, make sure you don't beat any bushes or forests.

And, where shoes of the correct size, esp if your feet expands and contracts according to the temperature...

FRIDAY, 25th January 2008
This is a WARNING. The following pictures contain an overdose of cuteness.

FRIDAY, 25th January 2008
Haikal's interpretation of my brother. I didnt know who he was drawing at first until he put on the degrading tag on my brother.

Friday, January 25, 2008

THURSDAY, 24th January 2008

Today's news about the passing of actor Heath Ledger really came as a shock to me. He's only 28 and yes..he has depression but he's no britney or amy winehouse so his death was definitely a shocker. And even as we speak, the movies and entertainment industries are mourning the loss of a great actor. So young, yet so over-dosed. The papers and magazines were saying that they never expected Heath, an oscar nominated actor to go down this way. Well frankly, who are they kidding? Britney won alot of grammys too! Okay enough about Britney. We'll talk about her soon when she does a Ledger. Well, rest in peace Heath! It's time for you to brokeback a different kind of mountain.
This was a scene of a car overriding the curb at the traffic light and hitting a pedestrian. Right in front of my house. It was about 3pm in the afternoon? This was after a taxi and a silver car collided at around the same spot in the morning. But all these were nothing compared to what happened the previous night.

I was woken up by police sirens. But i didnt exactly get up until i heard a loud BANG! and then a series of bangs and by the time i reached my living room window, i saw a white lorry and 3 CID cars in a pile-up. Then more sirens as highway patrol cars caught up. By this time there was a small crowd at the void deck of the opposite block and i saw lots of heads sticking out of windows. And yes, my whole family was awake. Haha! I looked at my clock and realised it was about 2am (some of my friends might remember cos i sms-ed them immediately of what happened...SO EXCITING! but sorry i woke u up, bev).

Then we saw several CID officers running out of their cars towards the LRT station. My sis said "Oh this one sure the cars gonna blow up one! That's why they all running away.." But as it turns out they were just running after the criminal who was the driver of the white lorry. Him and his accomplice. Both were caught, one of them under my block as i can hear the screams.

After awhile we saw the officers looking through bushes, with their torches, in front of my block. My dad said he saw the driver threw something out in the bushes just now. CAN IT GET ANY MORE EXCITING THAN THIS?! My mom was sure it was a knife or some sort of murder weapon.

In the news the next day, the criminals were part of a drug syndicate. And the police were trying to bust them for a few months already.. And when they did, i still cant believe its right in front of my house. My cousin even said "You are so lucky!!" Hahaha! Well maybe i am but now i think the whole stretch of road and the junction is jinxed! Look what happened the next day! 2 more accidents! Hence, the JINX JUNCTION.

Ok, this was a wall mural in Cheng San food centre that 4 of us designed. Mardhiah, Nora, Nazrin and myself. I'm not saying that i'm very proud of it but yea i am! We were special guests to their official opening and we took photos with Dr Balaji Sadasivan. I just thought before i delete these photos from my handphone that they deserve their last chance at glory.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

TUESDAY, 22nd January 2008
This is the day when i celebrated my birthday with a few of my close secondary school friends. We met at Yishun at 5.30 and had our very early dinner at Sakura (which they didnt allow me to pay for!). Zakiah's supposed to join us but Khairyn and Lisda told me she couldnt make it. They gave me presents! A beautiful butterfly bracelet from Kak Dila (Lisda's eldest sister), a DKNY lipgloss (which smells terrific and eat-able), a book (The Kite Runner!!!) and also Munchy Donuts from the 3 of them!

Then we went to watch One Missed Call (which they didnt let me pay for also!!)which has almost the same storyline as Final Destination. We met Chin Ping who was working at the food counter! And then...while we were inside the dark dark theater, ZAKIAH SHOWED UP!!! They meant to surprise me and boy, was i surprised! Especially since Zakiah was wearing a white tudung and everything else in black and storming her way up to me while Lis and Khairyn insisted that that wasnt Zakiah. It was scary. But the movie was scarier. I watched the movie mostly through a loophole in my bag.. Haha! From now on, that would be my horror movie bag. Before heading home, we took a few more pictures with Zakiah but we had to take a few cos of Zakiah! Her face keeps getting cut off!

On the way home in the bus, i did some thinking. Last time, i used to look forward to my birthday because of the presents. Hey, don't judge me..i bet you are like that too the last time! I mean, you would go to school on your b'day and come back home with lots of presents. But now, i realised i don't care if i didnt get any presents. I'm perfectly happy spending and celebrating my birthdays with the people i care about. I mean, sure the presents make me happy but i'm exhilarated to just spend it with the people that matters. And that, i guess, is what people call growth. Now i just have to grow up and try to watch a horror movie like a normal person...

Sunday, January 20, 2008

SUNDAY, 20th January 2008
Today is my birthday!!! and coincidentally, my uncle's too. So both of our families celebrated together at Swensen's Compasspoint. I guess we decided that the only way better to celebrate a birthday other than getting a free ice-cream from Swensen's is to get 2 free ice-creams!!! Then halfway, Abang Habib's family joined us too. So that's 13 of us! And the total bill came up to 200 dollars!!! But of course no money can buy the great company...I had a great time! Of course the free food helps too. :)

Saturday, January 19, 2008

We decided that we should all wear pink when the halal trinity go out today. Actually Nad's the one who decided. I mean, pink?! But nvm it all turns out quite nice. It was supposed to be just a simple outing to Rasa 21 but then they brought me to Nad's house which was really not far. So we took more pics, tried out some clothes, both of them modelled for my blogshop for a bit and then they surprised me with a cake! Woohoo! Complete with candle and all.. And Nad's dad gave me $10!!! Wow! I felt very bad taking it actually. But that day was an awesome day! And if this isnt friendship then i guess what is?

Thursday, January 17, 2008

THURSDAY, 17th January 2008
The London Gang (Nadhirah, Riane, Farah, Sonam and myself) finally managed to have dinner together. We ate at Swensen's in Marina Square. And we had so much fun catching up and also reminiscing about the good london days...