Thursday, January 31, 2008

THURSDAY, 31st January 2008

I watched 27 DRESSES and it is GREE-AAT! I absolutely looo-ve it. If you are probably sick of me double syllabling single syllabled words, then too baa-ad!

Ok all i'm saying is, go and watch 27 DRESSES! It's no ordinary chick-flick. 1st, because there's James Marsden (Du-uh!). 2nd, do we need another reason? Ok kidding, i won't be shallow just because i've watched a chick flick. The chemistry between Katherine Heigl and James Marsden? WOW!

Thanks Syaza for paying for the movie tickets and popcorn! She got her pay on Monday. Who says i need to work?? I just need to hang around people who do. Ok kidding again, it was a b'day treat! Sorry Syaza! And all my working friends!

Yesterday Syaza told me the funniest thing. Her brother watched Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone so many times that the cd broke! HAHA! So i told her, "Wow! Your brother really broke the record...for breaking records!" And here i really have to thank Syaza for laughing heartily even though my 'joke' was very lame. That's what friends are for right? And also to pay for movie tickets. Ok, i have GOT TO STOP before all my friends leave me. Sorry sorry.

My sister walked into my room just now.
My sis: Watchu watching?
Me: (Singing the theme song) Are you gra-,fah-,uhhh....smarter than a 5th grader!
My sis: Okay, you are so not.

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