Saturday, March 29, 2008


Prices slashed up to 50% from the original retailing prices! Visit for more details.

Friday, March 28, 2008

Just some random recollections of the unemployed and often wandering mind...

"Bus first, bus second, bus...?"
"OH-HOH!!! You said bastard!"
"NO! I NEVER! I only said 'Third!'. You then say the bad word!!!"
"Eh, don't tell teacher ah!"


A sign reads "Kakitangan Sahaja"
"Abeh badan ngan kepala tak leh masok eh?"

"Can you pass me the spork and foon please?"

"Can i have the frappucino crap?"

All of you would be happy to know that today, i experienced bad public transport incident no. 15.
I think most of you knew about me scratching an apek's botak head till there were 3 obvious red lines across his head. Then there was the time i pokes a guy in the neck with my Chupa Chup stick. There are so MANY stories on different occasions but one thing's the same: It will always end with a loud "OW!" or i will be glared at so scarily, i will get down at the next stop and take another bus. But now i'm using adult fare so the story will end differently. Watch this space.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

THURSDAY, 27th March 2008

Today was one hectic day. Me and Syaza went to Suntec for the Body Shop warehouse sale. Got lost and ended up rounding the same place thrice and when we got there, there was like a GAZILLION people there. I was so disappointed! The queue was so ridiculously long that you wouldn't even know where it starts or ends. Seriously! After that i went to meet Siti and we went to White Sands cos Vivie is having a sale!! Tak beli rugi!
I'm just going to end of with pictures of Masyitah because....well, just because!
This is how short Ramiele actually is...

And this is how lip-smackingly good David actually is...

This is how every song should be sung...

And this is how every song should be interpreted...

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

I was tagged to do this so here goes!


1) I love ice-cream but only on cold days.

2) When I see an aeroplane flying past I always get sad because I'm not on it.

3) I cut people's hair for money and my own for pleasure.

4) I want to start a new series with my buddy Chad titled 'One Tree On A Hill'

5) I used to like reading Enid Blyton's 'The Famous Five' and 'Secret Seven' until I started wondering why one is famous while the other is secret.

6) I LOVE doing dumb and meaningless stuffs like this!

I tagged: Azy, Fariq, Hazirah, Nad Bod, Pings, Sofiah, Syaza, Zakiah

TUESDAY, 25th March 2008


1. If you yelled for 8 years, 7 months and 6 days, you would have produced enough sound energy to heat one cup of coffee.
(Hardly seems worth it)

2. If you fart consistently for 6 years and 9 months, enough gas is produced to create the energy of an atomic bomb.
(Now that's more like it)

3. A pig's orgasm lasts for 30 minutes.
(In my next life I want to be a pig) (How'd they figure this out, and why?)

4. Banging your head against a wall uses 150 calories an hour.
(Still can't get over that pig thing) (Don't try this at home...maybe at work?)

5. Humans and dolphins are the only species that have sex for pleasure.
(Is that why Flipper was always smiling?) (And pigs get 30-minute orgasms? Doesn't seem fair)

6. The strongest muscle in the body is the tongue.

7. Right-handed people live, on average, nine years longer than left-handed people do.
(If you're ambidextrous do you split the difference?)

8. The ant can lift 50 times its own weight, can pull 30 times its own weight and always falls over on its right side when intoxicated.
(From drinking little bottles of...?) (Did taxpayers pay for this research??)

9. Polar bears are left handed.
(Who knew....? Who cares? How'd they find out, did they ask them?)

10. The catfish has over 27,000 taste buds.
(What can be so tasty on the bottom of the pond?)

11. The flea can jump 350 times its body length. It's like a human jumping the length of a football field.
(30 minutes...can you imagine?? And why pigs?)

12. A cockroach will live nine days without it's head, before it starves to death. (Creepy)

13. The male praying mantis cannot copulate while its head is attached to its body. The female initiates sex by ripping the male's head off.
(Honey, I'm home. What the....) (Well, at least pigs get a break there...)

14. Some lions mate over 50 times a day.
(In my next life I still want to be a pig ... quality over quantity)

15. Butterflies taste with their feet.
(Oh, Geez) (That's almost as bad as catfish)

16. An ostrich's eye is bigger than it's brain.
(I know some people like that.)

17. Starfish don't have brains.
(I know some people like that too.)

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Hello. It's 3:45 in the morning and i would like to declare that i've lost my NUS PIN number. So the happiness that i've felt earlier at completing my application essay was so short-lived that i felt bullets have left guns faster. If i do not find it, i would have to go ALL THE WAY to the admissions building to get a new PIN because they "regret to inform (me) that (they) are NOT able to disclose a new PIN via phone /or email." Oh God, why?
Hello. It's 3:16 in the morning and I would like to declare that i've finished writing my uni application essay. I would rather do 3 econs essay. And that is saying something cos i hate econs. And to the Ah Bengs who specifically chose today to have a shoutfest at my void-deck, thank you. You really helped to speed the process up.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Today Halal Trinity watched Rule #1. It's supposed to be scary if not for the fact that i was covering my eyes throughout almost the entire show. The 3 of us actually. The only thing i remembered was muttering to the 2 of them, "I can't believe i paid $9.50 for this." Over and over. It pisses me off cos i know i can get tortured for free somewhere else. AND i can't believe i forgot to bring my 'horror' bag! This bag is perfect for watching horror movies cos there's a hole and i can watch an entire scary show through that hole.

In the middle of the show, I was covering my eyes and then Nad pushed them down (cos she wanted me to see) right at the part where the ghost is coming out! I wanted to scream but it got caught in my throat. I think it must be the mixture of anger and fear. Anger at Nad, of course. But i got over it in like a second. Until she took my hand away again! I thought she wanted to prevent me from covering my eyes again but was to cover her own eyes! HAHAH! Use your own hands lah! The whole experience was so funny i tell you! With Nad constantly shouting "Shoot him! Just SHOOT LAHH!" loudly for the whole cinema to hear. Luckily it was dark.

Ok so after watching the show, i conclude that....

the rule number 1 for watching Rule Number 1 is to always leave your glasses/contact lenses at home because this is a show better watched blurred. Or u can do it my way and breathe hard onto your glasses so that they are all fogged up and then wear them. So all you see are blurry figures. Of course, you dun have to resort to this if you have your 'horror' bag with you.

And also i have to add rule number 2: COVER YOUR EYES when the background song gets scary. If your friend doesn't let you, die trying!

Friday, March 21, 2008


Three it's a magic number
Yes it is, it's a magic number
Because two times three is six
And three times six is eighteen
And the eighteenth letter in the alphabet is R
We've got three R's we're going to talk about today
We've got to learn to
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
If you're going to the market to buy some juice
You've got to bring your own bags and you learn to reduce your waste
And if your brother or your sister's got some cool clothes
You could try them on before you buy some more of those
Reuse, we've got to learn to reuse
And if the first two R's don't work out
And if you've got to make some trash
Don't throw it out
Recycle, we've got to learn to recycle,
We've got to learn to
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
Because three it's a magic number
Yes it is, it's a magic number
3, 3, 3
3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27, 30, 33, 36
33, 30, 27, 24, 21, 18, 15, 12, 9, 6, and
3, it's a magic number

Thursday, March 20, 2008

THURSDAY, 20th March 2008

Lunch Date with Z.A.K.P.A.O

"Nas's coffee.

When the waitress came with 2 creamers for her, she asked me whether it was for the soup. -_-'' "


For starters, our salad! And for dessert, our...dessert?
It was a GREAT day! But i refused to put up pictures of the main courses cos i refuse to get hungry at this hour!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Azy, azy..people studying for prelims also you want to take picture. Actually, if you look closely, I was studying while Nad was...watching me study.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

TUESDAY, 18th March 2008

I just discovered a hypothesis that might be proven true in future. Mind you, this hypothesis may only apply to me. Holidays make me a smarter person. What a weird sentence right? But hear me out just the same.
June 2001: I went to Australia for the first time. I took my PSLE later that year. I did pretty well.
June 2005: I went to Germany. My first overseas trip without my family. I took my 'O' levels later that year. What was i thinking right? But, i did pretty ok. Up to my expectations, at least.
June 2006: I went to London and had the greatest time! Failed my mid-years terribly mostly due to jetlag. But did relatively good in my promos. Way beyond my expectations, anyway.

And then in 2007, I didn't go anywhere! And it shows in my 'A' level results. Now, i'm not saying there's definitely a connection but it's suspicious isn't it? If only i could go back in time, and if i were to discover this trait earlier! It's just a hypothesis but i think it's worth a shot.

There is another thing you should probably know about me. Whenever I am feeling down or depressed or stressed, I would always look through my holiday pictures and I'll feel better. Yea, I'm weird like that. It becomes some sort of escapism for me. It's probably the same reason why I like to study at airports. Escapism. (And to look out for potential husbands, right Liping?) I admit that if there is a possibility of running away from my problems, I would. Not because I'm weak. But because I'm normal. Nobody would want to go through the hard way if there's an easier way, right?

So anyway, i was looking through my holiday pictures and i realized some of them are pretty well-taken! These few are my favourites and are mostly taken from the 1st trip to Australia.

This is Bondi Beach, Sydney. We didn't add in the sun and we definitely didn't add in the pigeons. :)
"Yes? Can you speak louder into the microphone, please?"
Foreground: Father and Brother
Background: Father Rock and Brother Rock
This is how you wait for the trams in Melbourne. Right smack in the middle of the road!
The coasts of Melbourne.
Bondi Beach, Sydney. Don't ask me about my brother's expression.
This is one of my favourite pictures! Usually i hate candid shots but this is an exception. :)
My sister should really wear a shirt that says, "I Don't Belong Here."
The 3 people at The Three Sisters.
This must be the tamest kangaroo in the zoo! Hey, i can rhyme..Can you?
The Australians celebrate the Queen's birthday with a 20 minute fireworks display at Bondi Beach. Fireworks by the beach with the sea-breeze...It cannot get any better than this!
My brother riding a pony named Nugget.

Monday, March 17, 2008

MONDAY, 17th March 2008

Thinking about it now, i think getting into uni this year will be really tough. Maybe just as tough as last year when we have all the dragon babies flapping their great wings into NUS and NTU. Because this year, we have to compete with the polytechnic dragons and the once-rejected-but-its-okay-I-will try-to-get-into-uni-again-if-its-the-last-thing-I-do dragons. Which i think will make this year ridiculouslier competitive. (It's a shame there's no Faculty of the Invention of English Words because i think i will stand a good chance. I can be Longman II)

Nevermind, i am still determined to find a rich husband! I remembered this conversation between my sis and my cousin.

Abang Is: Kak Ela, NIE at Boon Lay? So far for you right?
Kak Ela: Yea...why?
Abang Is: Get a rich boyfriend or husband and he can send you ah!
Kak Ela: Get a rich husband and i'll quit NIE.

How can you forget this kind of conversations when it is so true right? I may sound shallow but believe me, i am actually deep..once you break my shallow exterior. :)

I told Lisda i want to marry a pilot..2nd choice, doctor.

Lisda A Rahim says:
NO! Don't you remember my poem?

Nas Pants says:
Please don't remind me. It's not true!

Lisda A Rahim says:
don't marry a pilot
i'll tell you why.
he'll take you to the airport
and say bye bye!

Nas Pants says:
I said dun remind me lah!
Lisda A Rahim says:
No, i have to warn you.

And she questioned me again late at night.
Lisda smsed: But frankly, where do you find pilot husbands? Don't tell me airports eh..

I replied: I guess i will give out brochures. "Looking for husbands. Non-ugly pilots preferred."

Lisda smsed: Aiyoyo..Just bcos u have a photocopying machine at home, jangan nak make use of it eh!

Sunday, March 16, 2008

(Ring Ring...)
"Hello Kettle, you're black!"
SUNDAY, 16th March 2008

By popular request (from herself, haha!) I am supposed to mention that i met the famous Sofie Sparks on our lastest bus ride home from JB. I wanted to ask for her autograph but all i had were chewing gum and bubble gum. Next time okay Sofie Sparks!!!

On the same day we went JB, my cousin organised a birthday party at the Bishan Fire Station. We didnt get to go but we still got the goodies. And one of them was a fireman's hat!! And so when we reached home, everyone was so tired that we were wiped out after bathing but i saw my brother doing this:
Actually i put the hat on him and he was so busy playing he didn't realise. He didnt even know i took this picture! So shhhhh.... Cos this is the same hair-pulling and eye-gouging brother of mine from 10 years ago.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

SATURDAY, 15th March 2008

My mum: Eh? Bunyi aper tu? Saxophone eh?
(Eh? What's that noise? Saxophone?)

Icat: Bukan lah! Dier start with 'F' and ends with 'E'
(No lah! It starts with 'F' and ends with 'E')

My mum: Flaxophone?

Icat: NO! Flute lah!

My mum, ladies and gentlemen...

Yesterday we went to JB by bus and it is very tiring! But i have to admit, it's quite an experience. Many people offered to lend us their cars but my dad said no cos he didn't want to be responsible if anything should happen to them. -.- The day started with my mum and dad argueing over which bus to take and ended with my mum and dad argueing over which bus to take. Only difference was, it was raining on the way home. When we reached there, my sis said, "Icat, Mas Selamat is in Malaysia!" (Pointing to the 'Selamat Datang' sign at the causeway) I slapped my forehead so hard, it gave me a headache later in the day.

Friday, March 14, 2008

FRIDAY, 14th March 2008

I met Syaza at the airport today where we sat at T3's Coffee Bean and discuss our plans for the future. Sounds so deep bu we ended up telling jokes and reminiscning our primary school days. Of how the school bookshop was like shopping paradise to us and the vending machine was like Starbucks. Oh the good old money well-spent days!

And then i had a terrible headache which i think was mainly due to the nausea-inducing sight which i had to endure the entire ride from Sengkang to the airport. See this and you would know what i mean:

But i got better after we splurged on Candy Empire products. I tell you that place should not allow hormonally-imbalanced girls who are in constant need of chocolates enter.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Christopher Gardner:
It was right then that I started thinking about Thomas Jefferson on the Declaration of Independence and the part about our right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. And I remember thinking how did he know to put the pursuit part in there? That maybe happiness is something that we can only pursue and maybe we can actually never have it. No matter what. How did he know that?

When you try your best, but you don't succeed
When you get what you want, but not what you need
When you feel so tired, but you can't sleep
Stuck in reverse

And the tears come streaming down your face
When you lose something you can't replace
When you love someone, but it goes to waste
Could it be worse?

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

I still remembered when i first met Nad's friend, Nazurah which was on the day of Alevel results and she's really nice! She's already in uni in Malaysia. When we were dead scared waiting for our results she tried to comfort us by saying that Alevels is nothing and if it goes wrong you can always come and study in Malaysia. Hahaha.

When i walked past the atrium toilet, i heard retching noises and i know it must be from someone who's taking her results later. When Ms Lai was calling out the names of students who got 3 A's, it was nerve-wrecking and it seemed neverending. So much so until Azy developed a sudden fever. Making us wait like that is pure evil! And when Ms Lai was at her 126th name, a girl sitting directly behind me had a seizure. It was scary especially when i got to see her face and hear the thuds as her head kept knocking on the ground. Hard. Her feet were so close to me and i can see them all rigid.

Then Nad said to Nazurah, "Don't tell me Alevels is nothing. THIS (pointing to the girl on the floor) is Alevels." Add together the retching girl and Azy's sudden fever, i couldn't have agreed with Nad more. Therefore, Caution: Alevels is not for the faint-hearted.
WEDNESDAY, 12th March 2008

The previous entry was written on the day we got our results itself but i forgot to publish it. So it was in my 'drafts' folder all along. Congrats Nas, for being such a loser. No no..a forgetful loser. And hence, i 'lose' stuffs. Haha. Ok now i'm just a loser.
After much deliberation and talking to my parents, teachers and friends, I don't feel too bad after all! :)

On Monday i talked to Syaza from 11.30 pm to 3.30 am and we talked about everything from our future plans to our future husbands.

Summary of our talk:

1) We really hate people who know they did better than us and yet they keep coming to us in agony. I'm sorry but do you really expect us to console you? Before you might say that we are selfish people who are not being good friends, for empathy's sake, just try to imagine yourself in our shoes. Not very nice, is it?

2) Kalau hati kita suci, niat kita baik dan kita ingin mencari ilmu pengetahuan, Allah akan menolongi kita.
Somehow it sounds not so nice when i try translating this to English in my head. God has a plan for every one of us and even if our paths are windier and has more bumps than an acne-filled face of a hormonally-imbalanced teenager, if our hearts remain pure and our intention good, then we will get there too. So see you there!

3) But bottomline is still : Get a rich husband.

Today, i met up with Lisda, Zakiah and Khairyn. We went to NYP and then we sat at the airport for 7 hours! It's enough to cause some serious ass-hurting and leg-cramping. I'm sorry, i guess it's just 'leg cramps'. We talked about everything from our future plans to what kinds of bathroom tiles we want when we do have our own houses. Very diverse which explains the 7 hours spent. Plus the fact that Khairyn did not want to go home and kept hinting, "Hey this is a 24 hour cafe you know...".

:) A smile for my very supportive family.
:) A smile for my friends.
:) A smile for all the unis out there. (I'm desperate and a little sucking up won't hurt)
:) And just a smile cos it makes my world better.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

FRIDAY, 7th March 2008

Those who kept asking me about my results, thank you for respecting my decision to not disclose it. I will, sooner or later but just not now.

Am i happy with my Alevel results? Not entirely. You can never be fully happy unless you get 3 A's you know. Those who got 3 A's and still cry, go and die! I understand if you are working towards a scholarship and 3 A's are not good enough. But don't come crying to me, that's all i'm asking.

Is it good enough for me to enter uni? I think so...I'm going to pray really really hard though.

Is it good enough for me to enter the course of my choice? Hopefully. There's always this thing called discretionary admission and i am taking full advantage of that.

After getting my results i went to walk along Pasir Ris beach for awhile and then got very tired and took a Limo cab back home which cost me a bomb. But there's nothing like a good walk by yourself with the sea breeze to get you thinking. For the first time in my life, i think i finally understood what it meant to contemplate life.
I guess life has always been kind to me and i pretty much always gotten what i wanted. Until now. And i realised i'm at a lost. Plus, the feeling sucks!

Were there any regrets in my 2 years at MJ? Of course! Regrets from Anderson Sec? Plenty! Especially with regards to subject choices. And it doesn't help either that my mum didn't stop nagging me with the "What if.."s. And no amounts of "Isn't it too late?" from me could stop her. So i pretended to be asleep, which after awhile, i really did. From 7.45pm to 11 pm. I was tired from lugging the damn heavy paperbag. Plus, i didn't sleep at all the night before. That's why i'm awake at 2.45am, writing this.

To all my friends who are happy with their results, CONGRATULATIONS! Pamela, congrats on your A's! Sam, congrats on your straight A's! I'm so happy for the both of you, you crazy Fongs!!!

To those of you who are less than happy, just be thankful that you can get into a local uni when there are so many others who could not.

And to those of you who are very worried that you can't enter a local uni? Just try every means and hope for the best. Where there's a will, there's a way. Of course, not having hundreds of thousands of dollars in your bank account will straightaway eliminate some of them. But there's always the study loan or something else that you might call the Mummy-Daddy scholarship.

As for me, I'm allowing myself one day to wallow in self-pity and do all the life contemplation that i need. As of tomorrow, i am going to partake in the most dangerous and energy consuming sport of all. University-hunting.

Friday, March 7, 2008

This video was made by Prescilia Khoo featuring all my favourite people! Thanks Pres! It is lovely... To 06S501, You are the reason i don't feel that i've wasted my 2 years in MJ.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Tuesday, 4th March 2008

While the whole island worries about Mas Selamat, i have other bigger things to worry about.

[CONFIRMED] A Level Results out this Friday 7 March 2008

1.The results of the 2007 Singapore-Cambridge GCE Advanced Level Examination will be released on Friday, 7 March 2008.

2.School candidates may obtain their result slips from their respective schools from 2.30 pm on 7 March 2008.

It is a strange thing, but when you are dreading something and would give anything to slow down time, it has a disobliging habit of speeding up. Right? And again, the horrible nightmares...
I dreamt i had scored 'M's for all my subjects. HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE!? This would totally be a sign if 'M' is actually a grade but unfortunately, it isn't. Oh, and i also dreamt that Body Shop will be closing down for good. What horrible nightmares i have!!!

Lisda told me just now that she was dreaming (or nightmare-ing, if you like) that she was getting her Alevel results too but just as she was opening the envelope, Khairyn sms-ed her. And then she scolded Khairyn, "Aku baru nak tahu results!". HAHA!

So anyway, we watched The Leap Years today at 11.50 in the morning!!! But this cannot be compared to the time i watched Pirates of the Carribean at 10.30 am with Khairyn.

I learnt some stuff from the movie like how this extra day (29th Feb) is added every 4 years so that the 4 seasons around the world would all fall nicely. But other than that, i didn't really enjoy the movie...

For a Singaporean movie, it strangely doesnt feel like one. For one, the actors and actresses all have this fake accent. Even the teenage extras in the movie! The only American accents that doesn't sound so fake was Ananda's, Keegan Kang's (unfortunately, he only had a 5 min scene) and Allan Wu (but he didn't have any lines and only made a 5 sec cameo). And there was definitely not enough chemistry between Li-Lin and Ananda! (I'm guessing Li-lin's husband Allan Wu was on the set the whole time, watching her since he only had a 5 sec scene and hence, all the time in the world.)

I felt so bad for Qi Yuwu! Not only did he seem so out of place with all these Pan-Asian actors and actresses, his character has bad English! Talk about adding salt to the wound! And it doesn't help that his character name is KS. Since they didn't mention his full name, it could stand for:

a) Kwong Seng
b) Kip Suey
c) None of the above but surely something that belongs in the same category or
d) Be totally Singaporean and say it stands for 'Kiasu'

I'm not saying that it is a bad movie but i just thought it was a little pretentious. Ah Long Pte. Ltd. was mostly shot in Malaysia and yet, it feels more Singaporean that The Leap Years. Having said that, please do not think that i am NOT unpatriotic because i am. I'm just not cry-while-singing-Majulah-Singapura patriotic.

While we are on the subject of patriotism, here's a very Singapore riddle i read somewhere recently:

Q: Which is more talkative, the bread or the kopi?
A: The bread-Because Bread Talk but Kopi Tiam.

When i asked my brother the riddle, he nearly got it! But unfortunately, he said, "The Bread! Because Bread Talk but Kopi-Oooooo." Close Icat, close....

And even though we are not on the subject of stupidity, i will tell you what happen on Saturday anyway...

Nad: Have you watched Juno? I always thought it was a Japanese horror movie or something...
Ms Sim: That's Ju-on!!!

Finally.... I believe reverence, humility, contentment, gratitude and having good Alevel results, this is the best good luck. SO ALL THE BEST MY FRIENDS!!!

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Sunday, 2nd March 2008

Ate at DeliFrance! I only took pictures of the desserts. :)
The Chocolate Mousse:
And the Brownie:

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Saturday, 1st March 2008

4:00pm: Went to Tanglin flea again. And it’s official: I don’t like flea markets. See, the first time I went, I was sick, it was hot and my nose was not only running, it was sprinting. If you know what I mean… So when Azy asked to go again, I thought maybe I should give flea markets another chance. Since I am friends with the Queen Flea a.k.a Nad. (“You see these earrings? Flea market. This top? Also flea market. These jeans for 3 bucks from Zouk flea. And my shoes I bought just now for 4 bucks.”) But it wasn’t any better. I hate digging for stuffs. Let’s just say, I don’t dig flea markets. HAHA! People present: Me, Azy, Azy’s sister, Nad, Haikal, Beverly and Junzhi.

5:00pm: We sat at Macdonald’s while waiting for Wanying and Nad showed us her new Samsung digicam. It is really nice! And then Haikal got too creative with my camera.

Me: Eh, my camera can draw draw tau!
Haikal: Oh cool! Let me see!

Thanks Haikal...I'm on my way to becoming a punk rockstar now...

5:40pm: We decided to make a move cos we are supposed to go to Loraine’s house at Kovan for a class outing. But Azy couldn’t go cos her dad wouldn’t let her. So she and her sis took off first.

6:30pm: As promised, me, Nad and Wanying met Joyce at Dhoby Ghaut station. While waiting….

Nad: Nas, are you still looking for a job?
Me: Not really..Why? You have any openings?
Nad: At my workplace ah…
Me: Don’t want ah! So tiring!
Nad: Yea that’s why! My boss asked me to recommend the job to people I don’t like.
Me: Then why did you recommend me?!

7:00pm: Met Ms Sim, Ying Xieng, Jasmin, Pamela, Marilyn and Samantha at Kovan mrt station. While walking to Loraine’s house, we saw Beverly and her boyfriend, Junzhi.

Everyone: BEV!!!!

And then she turned away to walk with Junzhi. HAHA! It was funny seeing everyone’s shocked expressions.

After 30 minutes at Loraine’s 3-storey mansion…

Marilyn: Where’s Bear-bear? (Everyone in class has a nickname and Beverly is Bear-bear)
Ms Sim: Bear-bear still walking with Boy-boy.
The okay one:
The gR00vY one:

It was fun swapping stories of holidays and work. We stayed until 10:30pm! I felt so bad making use of Loraine’s house like that.

So anyway, Joyce is relief-teaching at Temasek Secondary and she was telling us all about it.

Joyce: You know, teachers are warned not to use words like “stupid” or “damn”….
Ms Sim: Basically, you have to be everything I’m not.

HAHAH! We all know that Ms Sim’s favourite word is “damn!” and the occasional “bloody hell!”s. But usually to scold herself. She was crowned ‘Miss Self-Inflicted Pain’ before but really, it should be ‘Miss Self-Inflicted Pain and Verbal Abuse’ instead. But we love her all the same. And of course, it doesn’t hurt that she bought for us Singapore’s most expensive brownies!
Friday, 29th February 2008

Today is shopping day! For someone who’s not that employed, I think it is a crime.
Partner in crime: Syaza
Location: Bugis
Punishment: Sore feet and no money left.

30 minutes spent at BHG Bugis Junction while waiting for Syaza.
1 hour at Banquet. 15 minutes for eating. 45 to gossip.
2 hours at Bugis market. I tell you, that place is packed whether weekends or weekdays! And no matter how many times I go there, I am sure to get lost. Today was no better. There was this shop which hung a full-length mirror that reflects the aisle opposite the shop. Syaza walked into the shop, beckoned me over cos she was sure she found a way out and then…. walked straight into the mirror!
45 minutes of shopping at Bugis Junction.

And then we gave up (actually our tired feet gave up) and went home. I think I lost a little of my shopping stamina. OH NO!