Saturday, March 22, 2008

Today Halal Trinity watched Rule #1. It's supposed to be scary if not for the fact that i was covering my eyes throughout almost the entire show. The 3 of us actually. The only thing i remembered was muttering to the 2 of them, "I can't believe i paid $9.50 for this." Over and over. It pisses me off cos i know i can get tortured for free somewhere else. AND i can't believe i forgot to bring my 'horror' bag! This bag is perfect for watching horror movies cos there's a hole and i can watch an entire scary show through that hole.

In the middle of the show, I was covering my eyes and then Nad pushed them down (cos she wanted me to see) right at the part where the ghost is coming out! I wanted to scream but it got caught in my throat. I think it must be the mixture of anger and fear. Anger at Nad, of course. But i got over it in like a second. Until she took my hand away again! I thought she wanted to prevent me from covering my eyes again but was to cover her own eyes! HAHAH! Use your own hands lah! The whole experience was so funny i tell you! With Nad constantly shouting "Shoot him! Just SHOOT LAHH!" loudly for the whole cinema to hear. Luckily it was dark.

Ok so after watching the show, i conclude that....

the rule number 1 for watching Rule Number 1 is to always leave your glasses/contact lenses at home because this is a show better watched blurred. Or u can do it my way and breathe hard onto your glasses so that they are all fogged up and then wear them. So all you see are blurry figures. Of course, you dun have to resort to this if you have your 'horror' bag with you.

And also i have to add rule number 2: COVER YOUR EYES when the background song gets scary. If your friend doesn't let you, die trying!

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