Thursday, April 3, 2008

Yesterday was the day when my idioticity shone to its maximum potential. A little more idiotness (up to date, I have created 2 nouns and I'm strangely proud of that) and I will give Mr Bean a run for his money. Normal people would feel shameful about telling people their idiotic moments but not me cos everybody already knows I'm an idiot. So that's me...idiotic and shameless. Nice.

Me and Zakiah went for our medical check-up at Woodlands Civic Centre. It went hideously wrong. Hideously.

When taking my weight, the person asked me to face the door. I looked at the door and it was open. So i was confused because facing the door when it is open and facing it when it is closed are 2 different directions altogether.
So i asked the nurse, "When it is closed or opened?"
Nurse: What?
Me: The door. Face it when it is closed or open?

She gave up and just pointed to where i should face.

Then she gave me a stick with different coloured squares on it and told me to, "Go and pee."
I stood there waiting for the cup but they didnt give me anything.
So i had to ask, "Can I have the cup please?"
Nurse: What cup?
Me: Errr.. For me to pee in. *Sheepish grin*
Nurse: Oh, no need cup!
Me: Then pee where?!!

How was I to know to pee over the stick?

When i came back, she asked me, "Any history of fits?"
What i heard was, "Are you really fit?"
So i answered, "Ermmm, i think so but not very lah."

At the blood test station, I was all shaking and nervous because i do have a sight case of haemophobia. (I nearly died watching Sweeney Todd) I guess the nurse noticed and asked me how I was feeling.
I said, " Ok tapi takot ah. Tak suka darah."
After I answered her a few times in Malay, she finally told me she's Filipino and didnt understand a word i was saying. Thanks man! You could have told me earlier and not make me feel like a total idiot (although i think it's already 19 years too late). And as if she was afraid I didnt believe she's Filipino, her nametag reads "Maria".

There are a few other stupid moments i had but i think it's too difficult to describe in words. For more details, please do not hesitate to ask me in person. Better yet, ask Zakiah. She was there and there's no one better at hyping up the whole Nas-is-an-idiot thing. Well she and let's not forget Lisda.

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