Monday, November 24, 2008

This is for all of you who requested for more kekentalan by Andersonians.

Nasirah: Eh, if Syafiq die die don't want to eat his vege how ah?

Khalis: then you refer him to the discipline IC..but that's secondary..we can handle that after the chalet..if you know what i mean..:)

Nasirah: I THINK i know what you mean but both our mindsets are warped in their own ways so what you mean may not be what I think you mean.

Khalis: i know how to settle that..i carry on whatever i mean, and then it's YOUR syafiq gets double..

Hashir: im not that impressed ah khalis. if there is ever any problems with my committee (meaning syafiq) then you should consult me first. nasirah you too. don't just try to force him to eat vege when he's busy carrying ice THROUGHOUT the weekend. I understand the need for a healthy diet but we have to strike a balance. sometimes he needs to live the life he wants after working hard with drinks.

Nasirah: Hashir, apa merepek ni awak berbual? Oklah, if Syafiq buat hal, i will refer him to you. but PLEASE dun make him carry ice throughout the weekend! Dia dah lah tak makan vege. I will send you to Khairyn for inappropriate behaviour!

Anw Afiq, Your skipping rope what colour?

Khalis: excuse me! skipping rope is under MY games category..if you wanna know what colour his skipping rope is, you must ask ME..same goes to any item related to games.

for example, if syafiq wants to know what colours are available in fadhil's pick-up sticks set, he should ask me like this.."khalis, may i know what are the colours available in fadhil's pick-up sticks set please?"and not ask fadhil directly..

anyway nasirah, what kinda food do you think amirul prefers?:)

Afiq: Oh its green.. =/ REEBOK! i think.

Nasirah: HAHAHAHA! Thanks Afiq! I didn't really expected you to answer pasal the question tak masok akal.. hahah. Your skipping rope so branded! Mine just says 'Made in China'.

Khalis, I'll get back to you on what food Amirul prefers. BE RIGHT BACK!
So, what colours are availbale in Fadhil's pick-up sticks set Khalis? :)

Amirul: huh, what's with my preference of food?

Hashir: HAHAHHHAAH. i just had to express my laughter ah. i no all of u laugh when u all read the last 5-6 posts but no one has expressed it in the beginning. we are one bunch of mindless jokers ah (excluding amirul coz he seems kinda serious about his food preference).

Btw, why is my bro going to have the TIME OF HIS LIFE?! i dont want him to turn out like those MJ soccer hooligans. u no what i mean nasirah. u were supporting RJ in the final. hahah. and ur skipping rope only says made in china? nothing else? the quality can sustain through the weekend tak? boleh buat main tug-of-war tak awak?

Khalis, i like the way things are working now. Everyone should refer their questions to the HODs.

Nuurun: skipping rope for tug-of-war?! I think even coconut husks can withstand better...

Nuurun: Suddenly coconut husks sounds so stupid... They're hard right...I meant coconut fibres!

Here comes the most merepek part!

Fadhil: I thought husks and fibre are the same thing? Hahaha.. Husk.. mcm Husky voice.. u know.. not hard but very the serak2 basah.. so quite soft.. but nothing to do with strength.. but fibre is more like the bio term, like as if i know.. like it runs through the coconut, probably it's singular for the plural husky.. so fibre sounds right.. husks also.. if u call it twisted husks.. or intertwined husks..

Nasirah: HAHAHAHA! You are all so kental! Esp Fadhil and his special report on husks... Everytime I think you are becoming less kental, you just have to do or say smtg that make my whole belief system come crashing down ah Fadhil... But nvm, now no more expectations, so you can be as kental as the day is long.

Fadhil: Nasirah.. Wah wah wah... Bukan main ehh skrg.. Now I know your inner thoughts.. All these while... I'm really kental issit? Hahaha.. I wasn't even trying to un-kental myself ah.. And you say I'm becoming less kental.. But since it's now crash and burn, i guess.. I'm always kental in everyone's eyes ah.. Especially you!

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