Wednesday, March 12, 2008

I still remembered when i first met Nad's friend, Nazurah which was on the day of Alevel results and she's really nice! She's already in uni in Malaysia. When we were dead scared waiting for our results she tried to comfort us by saying that Alevels is nothing and if it goes wrong you can always come and study in Malaysia. Hahaha.

When i walked past the atrium toilet, i heard retching noises and i know it must be from someone who's taking her results later. When Ms Lai was calling out the names of students who got 3 A's, it was nerve-wrecking and it seemed neverending. So much so until Azy developed a sudden fever. Making us wait like that is pure evil! And when Ms Lai was at her 126th name, a girl sitting directly behind me had a seizure. It was scary especially when i got to see her face and hear the thuds as her head kept knocking on the ground. Hard. Her feet were so close to me and i can see them all rigid.

Then Nad said to Nazurah, "Don't tell me Alevels is nothing. THIS (pointing to the girl on the floor) is Alevels." Add together the retching girl and Azy's sudden fever, i couldn't have agreed with Nad more. Therefore, Caution: Alevels is not for the faint-hearted.


Anonymous said...


Nassy-poko-pants said...

HAHAHA!! Yes yes, it's you! MAC girl..hehe!