Saturday, March 15, 2008

SATURDAY, 15th March 2008

My mum: Eh? Bunyi aper tu? Saxophone eh?
(Eh? What's that noise? Saxophone?)

Icat: Bukan lah! Dier start with 'F' and ends with 'E'
(No lah! It starts with 'F' and ends with 'E')

My mum: Flaxophone?

Icat: NO! Flute lah!

My mum, ladies and gentlemen...

Yesterday we went to JB by bus and it is very tiring! But i have to admit, it's quite an experience. Many people offered to lend us their cars but my dad said no cos he didn't want to be responsible if anything should happen to them. -.- The day started with my mum and dad argueing over which bus to take and ended with my mum and dad argueing over which bus to take. Only difference was, it was raining on the way home. When we reached there, my sis said, "Icat, Mas Selamat is in Malaysia!" (Pointing to the 'Selamat Datang' sign at the causeway) I slapped my forehead so hard, it gave me a headache later in the day.

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