Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Tuesday, 4th March 2008

While the whole island worries about Mas Selamat, i have other bigger things to worry about.

[CONFIRMED] A Level Results out this Friday 7 March 2008

1.The results of the 2007 Singapore-Cambridge GCE Advanced Level Examination will be released on Friday, 7 March 2008.

2.School candidates may obtain their result slips from their respective schools from 2.30 pm on 7 March 2008.

It is a strange thing, but when you are dreading something and would give anything to slow down time, it has a disobliging habit of speeding up. Right? And again, the horrible nightmares...
I dreamt i had scored 'M's for all my subjects. HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE!? This would totally be a sign if 'M' is actually a grade but unfortunately, it isn't. Oh, and i also dreamt that Body Shop will be closing down for good. What horrible nightmares i have!!!

Lisda told me just now that she was dreaming (or nightmare-ing, if you like) that she was getting her Alevel results too but just as she was opening the envelope, Khairyn sms-ed her. And then she scolded Khairyn, "Aku baru nak tahu results!". HAHA!

So anyway, we watched The Leap Years today at 11.50 in the morning!!! But this cannot be compared to the time i watched Pirates of the Carribean at 10.30 am with Khairyn.

I learnt some stuff from the movie like how this extra day (29th Feb) is added every 4 years so that the 4 seasons around the world would all fall nicely. But other than that, i didn't really enjoy the movie...

For a Singaporean movie, it strangely doesnt feel like one. For one, the actors and actresses all have this fake accent. Even the teenage extras in the movie! The only American accents that doesn't sound so fake was Ananda's, Keegan Kang's (unfortunately, he only had a 5 min scene) and Allan Wu (but he didn't have any lines and only made a 5 sec cameo). And there was definitely not enough chemistry between Li-Lin and Ananda! (I'm guessing Li-lin's husband Allan Wu was on the set the whole time, watching her since he only had a 5 sec scene and hence, all the time in the world.)

I felt so bad for Qi Yuwu! Not only did he seem so out of place with all these Pan-Asian actors and actresses, his character has bad English! Talk about adding salt to the wound! And it doesn't help that his character name is KS. Since they didn't mention his full name, it could stand for:

a) Kwong Seng
b) Kip Suey
c) None of the above but surely something that belongs in the same category or
d) Be totally Singaporean and say it stands for 'Kiasu'

I'm not saying that it is a bad movie but i just thought it was a little pretentious. Ah Long Pte. Ltd. was mostly shot in Malaysia and yet, it feels more Singaporean that The Leap Years. Having said that, please do not think that i am NOT unpatriotic because i am. I'm just not cry-while-singing-Majulah-Singapura patriotic.

While we are on the subject of patriotism, here's a very Singapore riddle i read somewhere recently:

Q: Which is more talkative, the bread or the kopi?
A: The bread-Because Bread Talk but Kopi Tiam.

When i asked my brother the riddle, he nearly got it! But unfortunately, he said, "The Bread! Because Bread Talk but Kopi-Oooooo." Close Icat, close....

And even though we are not on the subject of stupidity, i will tell you what happen on Saturday anyway...

Nad: Have you watched Juno? I always thought it was a Japanese horror movie or something...
Ms Sim: That's Ju-on!!!

Finally.... I believe reverence, humility, contentment, gratitude and having good Alevel results, this is the best good luck. SO ALL THE BEST MY FRIENDS!!!

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