Monday, April 7, 2008

For breakfast I had Honey Stars and then felt really sick! Like stomach flu sick. Don't get me wrong. They are still the tastiest stars in the universe. I think it's something I must've ate last night. :( But it's okay because i think my room is very clean now cos whenever i'm sick, i clean. What better way to get rid of germs and viruses in your body than to get rid of germs and rubbish in your room right? (Doesn't seems to make much sense but i'm sick. So, excusable.)

Remember this?

Well i finally managed to clean it! And the only way is by throwing out alot of stuffs. Mostly expired products and empty bottles. It's still not Monica Geller-clean but at least it's clutter-free. As long as i can reach the stuffs at the back without the other stuffs toppling then i'm happy.

And i found this: My first authentic watch given to me by my uncle after PSLE results. I took it out of the case only to find that the straps broke into 3 parts! I only used it 3 times in my life. Gosh! And then when i wanted to put it back in the case, the other side of the strap broke into 2. :( So hopeless.

The best part about cleaning out your drawers and shelves and closets is when you find treasures. You know, stuffs you thought you lost. Stuffs you never knew you had. Stuffs you bought and then forgotten all about it. That's what happened! I've been looking for this bag all over the place and i finally found it! It's a 'Frankfurt am Main' printed bag but i bought it in Munich. That's why it's very special. Sounds weird but then again, I AM weird.

I can't believe i found this! I always collect all my plane tickets and these were missing. I remembered i kept calling my brother "Muhammadir" for quite some time even when we got back to Singapore. Nothing beats pissing off your brother.

There was this bag where we kept ALL our receipts from ALL the stores we bought stuff from. Not to keep tabs on our spending but as souveneirs. Pathetic? I think so. But i so remembered this shop. "Sir Save A Lot". Our favourite shop! It's like ValueDollar or the One.99 Shop only the people there are more creative with their shop names. I saw one shop selling papers and it's called "HOLY SHEET".

The next part is the BEST part. Cards from very special people for my 18th birthday! Don't worry! These were not accidentally found. I knew they were there :)

"....We've known each other for about 4 years already! Soon, our Alevels will come and it reminds me of the time we studied at the cafe at Chengsan CC for our O'levels. And there's also Galilee. And tuition at your house...So fun!!"
Khairyn's message was full of emotion and nostalgia. Hai.... But it's true we always had fun.
"You redefine the meaning of a friend. Need I say more? -Your cute and lovable laughing kaki, Zakiah"
So short. So sweet. So Zakiah. Especially the last part. hahaha. I hope i redefine in a good way though.

"...I wanted it to represent our childhood and the times we spent doing stupid things and having stupid fights. We've been so close since young till now... and i wish to never stop doing that."

Awwwwww. It's so true! From when we were 4 or 5 we will always have sleepovers. Our sleepovers last time was so fun! We will stay up until 4am watching movies or just talking and eating our favourite AirHeads. Now, we mostly have study marathons when we have sleepovers but we ALWAYS have fun.

"I'm glad we've kept this friendship of ours going. Maybe a huge part of it is due to the fact that we share the same interests, passions and goals. But as the saying goes, it's not about the common things that we share but also about respecting each other's differences.
....Till then, to more years of studying bawah block together, movies together, shopping together and more!"
:):) There's nothing better than having your study buddy, movie partner, shopping and gossip kaki all rolled into one. That's why i'm glad i have my Syaza.

From 06S501..

"NasPants, we love you as much as i'm a SCHIZO!"

"Nas (she drew a pair of PANTS), Halal Trinity wouldn't be the same without you. Heck, it wouldn't even BE a trinity. Thank you for layan-ing Nad for me."

"Hey Nas Pants! Azy stole my pants!..."

I just wrote down the 1st three. The rest are JUST AS IMPORTANT to me but i'm getting drowsy from the medicine. Pardon me.

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