Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Happy Birthday,


A hungry Nad makes a sleepy Nad.

The salmon and mushroom pasta.

The Tic-Tac-Toe.

Farah and Azy busy dissecting food. Nad and Azy ordered the Mega Burger which was more mega than burger.

Mission accomplished! You would think they were too full for anything else...

...but think again! But what's Swensen's without the ice-cream right?


Finally, being full is starting to take a toll on us! What were we thinking ordering 4 ice-creams?!

Look how sane we all were pre-dessert! Even though Nad's face says: How come I must pose for a stupid picture when there are 4 ice-creams yet to be eaten in front of me?!
Azy: It was so smart of us ordering 4 ice-creams!
Nad: I know...

Since I was late for tuition, I was very, very grateful Farah offered us a ride home. THANK YOU FARAH!
And guess who's the co-pilot? I'll give you a clue: You're reading her blog. :)

And guess which 3 are the most deserving of Farah and my backview? I'll give you a hint....

Happy Birthday Riane!

I'm so glad we are friends! I remembered the first time I met you, you were giving out stickers with your name on it and telling us that those were for your fans who wanted to join your fanclub. To be honest, I thought you were a little, you know...cuckoo but now I'm a fan and if there really is a fanclub, I'll be the president. Haha.

And even though I spend half the time trying to figure out what you're slurring and the other half trying to correct your Malay, I couldn't have survived JC without you. I especially cannot imagine SLC without you and Haz.

If there is one thing I could change about you, I wouldn't! Well, maybe if you could talk slower and enunciate properly, that would be great. Ok ok, I'm just kidding.


And I hope your cats will stop scratching you cos I think it's a poor repayment for an animal activist such as yourself. :)

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