Sunday, October 19, 2008

PBMA Hari Raya Outing

12 hours, 11 houses and 4 cars. :)

At Hafifah's.

Bitched to Hashir about Lisda. Then, bitched to Lisda about Hashir. So fun!
At Fadhil's. Not only were his walls red, but his family members were all in red too!

Fadhil, if I ever need to have a stylo wall, I will hire you!

Never underestimate the no. of poses a guy can do.

At Rasiah's.

Me: Did you guys know that there's an escapee at Woodbridge?

Lis, Amirul, Afiq: SKP?

Me: YEA!

Inside Hashir's VW,

Hashir: Ok I am the driver, Lis, you're the navigator, Nas, you're the entertainer and Afiq, you're the (I forgot what it was but I knew it's some lame post that Hashir came up with)

5 minutes later...

Hashir: Nas you're not doing your job! I'm so bored...

And then starting jerking the car.

What a jerk. (Pun VERY MUCH intended)

So I switched to Nuurun's car!

That's Hashir in front and he was asked to wait for Fadhil and Amirul to get down from the multi-storey carpark. But what we don't understand was, why Hashir had to wait in the middle of nowhere. Seriously, we were stranded there for a good 5 minutes.

At Hudzaifah's.

Where abundance of food takes on a whole new meaning. :)

Hashir: Eh, let's get out of here before his mom feeds us anymore food!

At Zakiah's. (Kudos to anyone who can spot the pictur spoiler)

Zakiah was sleeping soundly when we came.

At Hashir's.

Fadhil was so jakon, he had to make a video commentary.

Yes Fariq, I know flicking throught the channels can be really tiring...

I was commenting to Nuurun about what a nice sunset picture she took when she turn the camera the other way and said, "Errr..that's actually Hashir's lamp."

Just look at Fadhil!

After that, we went on a tour around Hashir's house. Fadhil was really acting like a tourist and taking pictures of everything around the house!

Once in a while I can hear him go...

Fadhil: Wah, like IKEA showroom.

The balcony outside Hashir's brother's room.

Soon, more joined us.

The boys took so long to take a picture that I had to ask them to hurry. And then, miraculously.....

But picture spoiler struck again ah..

Us gals...

Zakiah: Eh, let's call the rest up and take a group photo ah..

Me(already taking out my hp): Ok, I'll call them up.

Hashir: Nas, I can just go down and call them tau.

Me: It's okay. Your house is so huge that this is actually acceptable.


In one of Hashir's many hidden spaces.

At Hadi's.

When the boys took off their socks and went upstairs to pray, Hadi was nice enough to pick up all their socks strewn around. Not knowing where to put them, he innocently stuffed them all in Syafiq's cap. HAHAH!

I can still remember Syafiq's face when he found out. :)

So romantic.

10 minutes later...

At Nadhirah's.

At Amirul's.

Hafifah, Me and Rasiah. :)

(Me, Zakiah and Hadi kaypoh-ly looking through photo albums.)

At Fariq's.

Who stays at Jalan Malu-Malu. Seriously.
And who's granddad is 93 years old and still fit as a fiddle. Seriously.

Fadhil Fadhil....

(I really dunno what else to say)


At Izzah's.

You can see all our muka basi already.

Nadh(disgustingly): Hadi, kenapa kau pegang Amirul macam gitu?


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