Saturday, January 26, 2008

SATURDAY, 26th January 2008...The Glitz and the Not-So Glamour.
Today was the day i'm supposed to go to Holiday Inn Parkview Hotel. But before you can go "WAhhh!", wait! Me and Azy were there to be transcribers for the event. Which explains the "not-so glamour" part.

In the morning, Azy's parents picked me up (and then sent me back home!! I'm so lucky! Thanks Azy and her parents!) We were supposed to be there at 8.45 but we reached there at 8.10!!! Haha! So we hanged in their spotless-and-hey-let's-put-a-plant-in-the-middle-of-nowhere toilet. Where Azy realised her left foot is smaller and then she stuffed tissues in it!! So funny!(We were both wearing our VIVIE heels) By the end of the day, she was determined both her feet had shrunk due to the cold. HAHA!

The place was beautiful especially the Crystal Ballroom. And looking at the chandeliers? FUN! Being transcribers? NOT SO FUN. Being transcribers and having to sit at the front near the stage in full view of everyone? EVEN MORE NOT SO FUN. Having to transcribe a "talk cum discussion forum" that has no purpose and where most of the speakers were off tangent? Ok, i think you get my idea..

But then again, we got paid like $12+ for an hour which is GOOD. And the work's not very tiring. We learnt alot too. Like how educators and teachers always beat about the bush (according to Azy, the forest) and then not answering to the point. Azy's dad said, this was a case of if you cant convince them, then confuse them and i think he's totally right. Gosh, education screwed them over.

Morals of the day: Try not to be an educator. And even if you are, make sure you don't beat any bushes or forests.

And, where shoes of the correct size, esp if your feet expands and contracts according to the temperature...

1 comment:

`` zak =) said...

eh nas! did u check out the first photo of this entry?

guess u took my advice seriously eh, and tried d darlie smile...

but u ended looking so sepakable!!

practise more in front of d mirror, girl!