Wednesday, February 6, 2008

TUESDAY, 6th February 2008...Confessions of the Unemployed

Today i went to MJ to fill up an application form for relief-teaching. I can't imagine what i'm putting myself through. (I think a strong motivation will be the 80 bucks a day) Teaching JC students?!!! Oh please God, help your helpless hamba. And then i went to meet Azy to collect my 50 bucks for the transcribing job! YEA!! And then we shopped for awhile....

Now i'm officially beat cos i didnt sleep the whole night last night. I was too busy having a TV show/music/movie marathon. You would think i had a great time but nooo....I was thinking too much to have a great time. And i thought (see?) i would write some of them down before my head burst! It hasnt been through so much thinking since the Alevels!

  • Do characters like those in Gossip Girl really exist? Snobbish rich kids who take up backstabbing as a hobby. It's really scary how they treat their 'friends'. I treat my enemies better. If they really exist then i guess burt bacharach was right after all. What the world need now is love, sweet love.

  • Why is Shakira popular when her voice isnt really that great? I think she got where she is today because of her gyrating hips more than anything else. Which also, according to her, does not lie. Here's another thought...What does she mean when she says her hips don't lie? Do any of you have a lying hip? I guess she realised her voice isnt that great and so decided to let the focus be on her hips and body cos let's face it, sex sells. Why else would she write 'Hips don't Lie' and 'Underneath Your Clothes'? What's next? "Underneath Your Clothes My Hips Don't Lie?"

  • A perfect example of how sex sells: Pussycat Dolls. 1 person sing; 6 others to sell sex. They said so themselves. They don't give a...Keep looking at their...'Cause it don't mean a thang if you're looking at their... Ok fill in the beeps people!

  • Why does Singapore even bother making our own sitcoms? Do we not remember the hideousness of ABC-DJ? Or the total failure of Daddy's Girls? Or how irritating Happy Belly was? Only a handful are watchable. I like Maggi & Me (which i always thought will be more aptly named Maggi is Mee.)!!!

  • Why do most Americans leave their front doors unlocked? At least 3 of the movies that i watched featured unlocked doors of American houses. Singaporeans all locked their doors and we are supposed to be one of the safest countries in the world! Then i thought (here we go again!) maybe we ARE one of the safest countries BECAUSE we lock our doors.

Then i thought about how great it will be for me to stop thinking. To be able to actually enjoy a show or music without being analytical, judgemental and cynical. In other words, like most other human beings. I willed myself to stop thinking!!! And so i did.

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