Tuesday, March 18, 2008

TUESDAY, 18th March 2008

I just discovered a hypothesis that might be proven true in future. Mind you, this hypothesis may only apply to me. Holidays make me a smarter person. What a weird sentence right? But hear me out just the same.
June 2001: I went to Australia for the first time. I took my PSLE later that year. I did pretty well.
June 2005: I went to Germany. My first overseas trip without my family. I took my 'O' levels later that year. What was i thinking right? But, i did pretty ok. Up to my expectations, at least.
June 2006: I went to London and had the greatest time! Failed my mid-years terribly mostly due to jetlag. But did relatively good in my promos. Way beyond my expectations, anyway.

And then in 2007, I didn't go anywhere! And it shows in my 'A' level results. Now, i'm not saying there's definitely a connection but it's suspicious isn't it? If only i could go back in time, and if i were to discover this trait earlier! It's just a hypothesis but i think it's worth a shot.

There is another thing you should probably know about me. Whenever I am feeling down or depressed or stressed, I would always look through my holiday pictures and I'll feel better. Yea, I'm weird like that. It becomes some sort of escapism for me. It's probably the same reason why I like to study at airports. Escapism. (And to look out for potential husbands, right Liping?) I admit that if there is a possibility of running away from my problems, I would. Not because I'm weak. But because I'm normal. Nobody would want to go through the hard way if there's an easier way, right?

So anyway, i was looking through my holiday pictures and i realized some of them are pretty well-taken! These few are my favourites and are mostly taken from the 1st trip to Australia.

This is Bondi Beach, Sydney. We didn't add in the sun and we definitely didn't add in the pigeons. :)
"Yes? Can you speak louder into the microphone, please?"
Foreground: Father and Brother
Background: Father Rock and Brother Rock
This is how you wait for the trams in Melbourne. Right smack in the middle of the road!
The coasts of Melbourne.
Bondi Beach, Sydney. Don't ask me about my brother's expression.
This is one of my favourite pictures! Usually i hate candid shots but this is an exception. :)
My sister should really wear a shirt that says, "I Don't Belong Here."
The 3 people at The Three Sisters.
This must be the tamest kangaroo in the zoo! Hey, i can rhyme..Can you?
The Australians celebrate the Queen's birthday with a 20 minute fireworks display at Bondi Beach. Fireworks by the beach with the sea-breeze...It cannot get any better than this!
My brother riding a pony named Nugget.

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