Saturday, May 17, 2008

The day it rained and we were stuck in the pavilion. Sounds romantic but thing is, I was stuck with Saba Tak Sabar, Ain Berangin and Zakiah Menyampah. So, romantic? Not so much. Company? One of the best.
The day me and Saba studiously studied while these 2 sleepily slept.
The day Zakiah was confused as to why her answer was zero. "Zakiah! You Answer minus Answer, of course zero lah!"

The day I was unfortunate enough to have come across this colourful, grinning skull.

But the skull was nothing to this. I fell asleep while reading the Martini textbook and of all the thousand pages in the book, I fell asleep on this page!!! Imagine how I felt when i woke up and the first thing I saw was this!

So now you understand why I only read my physics textbook after 10 pm.

Anyway, I had my very first X-ray exposure today and this is what i exposed:

While dipping the film in the alkaline developer, i didn't realise I was dipping my sleeve as well. So I ended up smelling like ammonia for the rest of the day.

Clare's X-rayed chicken which i really really hope she didn't eat after that. I prefer my chickens barbequed than x-rayed anyday.

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