Saturday, May 31, 2008

SUNDAY, 25th May 2008 - I went to send back my grandmother to her place in Tampines. After that me, my mum and my sis wanted to go shopping for clothes. And it's a shame that we remember the names of the places that we wanted to go by remembering the names of the hawker centres located there because one is called Afghanistan and the other, Istanbul. Cos here's what happened when we flagged a taxi:

My mum: Uncle, can go Afghanistan?

Taxi Driver: Huh? Go where?

My mum: Afghanistan! Near, Istanbul there.

Taxi Driver: Errr... Sorry ah. My taxi cannot fly.

It gets worse... After we explained to the driver and he finally understood where we wanted to go, he pointed to the building next to where we flagged the taxi and said, "Oh, you mean there is it?" So he drove us there, we paid him $3.10 (that's how near it is!) and got out of his taxi grinning sheepishly. So embarassing... Plus, we just wasted $3.20! It's like paying to get humiliated.

After that we went home, took my brother and cabbed down to Aloha Loyang where we volunteered to help my aunt with her barbeque cum class gathering event. I was in charge of the barbeque pit. For a first timer I think I did okay... Only a fifth of the chickens got burnt! So at the end of the day, I smelled like charcoal and was feeling a little guilty cos a fifth of my aunt's guests were carcinogenated.

TUESDAY, 27th May 2008 - I went to eat at Hei Sushi at Downtown East with Khairyn and Lisda after which Aqilah joined us and we watched Ayat-ayat Cinta. It was a beautiful movie and at the end of the show we were all pretty smitten with Fahri! But beyond that, the movie manages to capture the essence of Islam and portrays it in such a beautiful manner that I wish everyone, who has ever questioned and doubted Islam, would watch it. We were all pretty enlightened after watching it except Aqilah who was the only one who managed to point out every single flaw in the movie! Aqilah, I think you should work for

WEDNESDAY, 28th May 2008 - Lunch at Hei Sushi again! I must make a mental note not to introduce and rave about food places to my friends anymore because then, they all seem to want to eat there! Haiii...the cons of being so influential. But I don't mind spending more money if it means that I get to spend time with my beloved NYP peeps! It was kind of an unofficial sending-off lunch for me. It ended with Lina trying to trick me into singing and dancing to the 'Hei Sushi' song because according to her, we would get 10% discount this way. Haha! I guess it was her last chance to humiliate me and she was getting desperate. Lina Lina.... Don't worry ok? Somehow, I will surely manage to humiliate myself.

Hey, all of you who are holding on the pictures! Email them to me okay? Thanks!

THURSDAY, 29th May 2008 - Robinson's Sale at EXPO with Nad and Azy. We collectively put all the items that we wanted to buy into this huge, ugly, silver bag with wheels which me and Nad took turns to pull. We played the Who-Can-Hit-More-Legs-With-The-Ugly-Bag game and I won 4-3!

Then we met Khadijah!!!

Khadijah: Hello korang! Eh, you know what?? I just met Yasmin Ahmad!

Nas: Oh, is that your friend from TKGS?

Khadijah: NO LAH! She is the director of Sepet! The story is actually about her, you know!

Azy: What, that she is sepet?

Nad: Oh my god. I have stupid friends.

This, coming from the girl who once said, "I love fried food but I HATE oily food" is really a slap in the face!

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