Wednesday, February 27, 2008

WEDNESDAY, 27th February 2008

I think i probably had the worst day in quite awhile. It started off depressing, and then it got better when i met Azy and Bev. And then it got please-wait-a-moment-while-i-try-killing-myself depressing. Here's a gist: I went to Pasir Ris, then Kent Ridge, then Pasir Ris again, then Changi, then Tampines, then Compasspoint, then finally back home. Phew! I'm tired just listing those places. If you are up for it, then read on...

1. I was supposed to meet Azy and Bev at MJ because we want to go to NUS geog open house and the school's providing transportation. I left home without my wallet and had to go back after i realised it at the LRT station.

2. I waited for 89 for more than 30 minutes! Until i gave up and waited for the taxi instead. Before realising there were 2 more people in front of me waiting for taxis and so i gave up that idea too and waited for the damn 89.

3. 1 stop before MJ, the bus broke down. But thankfully, it was only for awhile. But when i finally want to alight, the Ez-link machine was spoilt. I looked at the uncle. U know what he did? He shrugged. God knows what i would do to him if i weren't so late to meet Azy and Bev! First i was forced to change to adult fare and then u prevent me from tappin out?!! Are you freaking kidding me?!

Ok this is where it got slightly better...

I was supposed to meet Azy and Bev in the canteen at our usual spot. But when i went there, they weren't there so i called Azy.

Azy: Hello! I am at the snack's stall!
Me: You are outside the hall?! What are you doing there?
Azy: I am at the SNACK'S STALL!!!!
(What i heard: I am at the NEXT STALL!!!)
Me: Ohhhh! So what stall are you next to?
Azy: I. AM. AT. THE. NEXT. STALL ( I am pretty sure through gritted teeth. Right Azy?)

But i didn't feel so bad after Azy told me the conversation she had with Bev before this. They were supposed to meet at City Hall before making their way to MJ.

Azy: Meet u at the last carriage?
Bev: What's a carriage?
After Azy explained,
Bev: Ohhh! ok sure!
Azy: Ok see you!
Bev: Hey, why don't we take the same train?

*Piang!!* That was me mentally slapping Bev. I'm sure you can be in the same carriage but not on the same train, Bev.

Ok back to the depressing part. (So this is what an emotional rollercoaster feels like...)

4. When i reached NUS, we went to the Earth lab and look around at the exhibitions. Then we went to the lecture theatre and that's when i realised i LOST MY DIGICAM!!!!!!!! I felt like crying. I just bought it!!!

5. I got the contact number of the bus uncle that took us from school to NUS from my Mr Alvin Tan who got it from Mr Chen who got it from..someone. And sure enough, the uncle found my camera at the back of the bus. (Can you imagine if i am a celebrity and i did an 'Edison Chen'? But then again, there's nothing tabloid worthy in there.) The bus uncle (henceforth, The Uncle), told me to meet him back at MJC at 5 plus. So i had to leave the lecture theatre after only 15 minutes of listening and head back to school. Azy was sweet enought to follow me. NUS TO PASIR RIS IS FARRRRRRRRR!!!

6. When we reached Pasir Ris interchange, the uncle told me he left school and was at Changi. WHAT?!!! I got really angry but i didnt scold him as i was scared he will throw my camera out the window. He told me to go to his company office at MACPHERSON! AT 8PM!!! Cos that's when he return the bus! "Go call my company. They tell you where."

7. I dialled the company and realised that i didnt know the company's name. So...

Me: Hello? Is this the..ah.....bus company?
Grumpy man: yea yea.
Grumpy man: Don't come at 8! The uncle sure havent come back one! Come at 10 okay? Bye!

If you want to stop reading because it's totally depressing you, i'd understand...The sadistic rest of you...okay, just kidding!

8. I called The Uncle again to say that we meet him at Changi instead. i really couldn't understand his heavily chinese-accented english and occassionally he slipped into mandarin. hello? After many 'Ah?!' and 'Sorry?' from me, i gave the phone to Azy who was very stern with him. I only knew it ended with Azy saying, "Ok uncle, STAY WHERE YOU ARE! DON'T GO ANYWHERE OKAY?" Haha. So funny.

We ran to White Sands to get a cab. And it's off to Changi South Avenue 3 to rescue my camera!!! One last depressing moment: Cab fare cost me $9.70!!! From Pasir Ris to Changi. Come on! I can't catch a break! Azy offered to pay but of course i couldn't let her! I was happy enough she offered to come along with me! In the cab, Azy talked to The Uncle again. Who said he was at Sim Siang Choon.
Finally! I got my camera back!!! While talking to the bus driver and thanking him, Azy kept nudging me and whispering, "How do we get out of here? How ah?"
I realised we were stuck in the middle of some industrial estate.. So The Uncle drove us and dropped us at EXPO.


We went to meet Nad at Tampines cos it's so damn bloody long since i saw her and we had dinner! It was so fun catching up! Nad always has stupid childcare centre stories!

What a happy, deceitful ending.

The last picture we took on the bus before i dropped it:

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