Monday, November 24, 2008

This is for all of you who requested for more kekentalan by Andersonians.

Nasirah: Eh, if Syafiq die die don't want to eat his vege how ah?

Khalis: then you refer him to the discipline IC..but that's secondary..we can handle that after the chalet..if you know what i mean..:)

Nasirah: I THINK i know what you mean but both our mindsets are warped in their own ways so what you mean may not be what I think you mean.

Khalis: i know how to settle that..i carry on whatever i mean, and then it's YOUR syafiq gets double..

Hashir: im not that impressed ah khalis. if there is ever any problems with my committee (meaning syafiq) then you should consult me first. nasirah you too. don't just try to force him to eat vege when he's busy carrying ice THROUGHOUT the weekend. I understand the need for a healthy diet but we have to strike a balance. sometimes he needs to live the life he wants after working hard with drinks.

Nasirah: Hashir, apa merepek ni awak berbual? Oklah, if Syafiq buat hal, i will refer him to you. but PLEASE dun make him carry ice throughout the weekend! Dia dah lah tak makan vege. I will send you to Khairyn for inappropriate behaviour!

Anw Afiq, Your skipping rope what colour?

Khalis: excuse me! skipping rope is under MY games category..if you wanna know what colour his skipping rope is, you must ask ME..same goes to any item related to games.

for example, if syafiq wants to know what colours are available in fadhil's pick-up sticks set, he should ask me like this.."khalis, may i know what are the colours available in fadhil's pick-up sticks set please?"and not ask fadhil directly..

anyway nasirah, what kinda food do you think amirul prefers?:)

Afiq: Oh its green.. =/ REEBOK! i think.

Nasirah: HAHAHAHA! Thanks Afiq! I didn't really expected you to answer pasal the question tak masok akal.. hahah. Your skipping rope so branded! Mine just says 'Made in China'.

Khalis, I'll get back to you on what food Amirul prefers. BE RIGHT BACK!
So, what colours are availbale in Fadhil's pick-up sticks set Khalis? :)

Amirul: huh, what's with my preference of food?

Hashir: HAHAHHHAAH. i just had to express my laughter ah. i no all of u laugh when u all read the last 5-6 posts but no one has expressed it in the beginning. we are one bunch of mindless jokers ah (excluding amirul coz he seems kinda serious about his food preference).

Btw, why is my bro going to have the TIME OF HIS LIFE?! i dont want him to turn out like those MJ soccer hooligans. u no what i mean nasirah. u were supporting RJ in the final. hahah. and ur skipping rope only says made in china? nothing else? the quality can sustain through the weekend tak? boleh buat main tug-of-war tak awak?

Khalis, i like the way things are working now. Everyone should refer their questions to the HODs.

Nuurun: skipping rope for tug-of-war?! I think even coconut husks can withstand better...

Nuurun: Suddenly coconut husks sounds so stupid... They're hard right...I meant coconut fibres!

Here comes the most merepek part!

Fadhil: I thought husks and fibre are the same thing? Hahaha.. Husk.. mcm Husky voice.. u know.. not hard but very the serak2 basah.. so quite soft.. but nothing to do with strength.. but fibre is more like the bio term, like as if i know.. like it runs through the coconut, probably it's singular for the plural husky.. so fibre sounds right.. husks also.. if u call it twisted husks.. or intertwined husks..

Nasirah: HAHAHAHA! You are all so kental! Esp Fadhil and his special report on husks... Everytime I think you are becoming less kental, you just have to do or say smtg that make my whole belief system come crashing down ah Fadhil... But nvm, now no more expectations, so you can be as kental as the day is long.

Fadhil: Nasirah.. Wah wah wah... Bukan main ehh skrg.. Now I know your inner thoughts.. All these while... I'm really kental issit? Hahaha.. I wasn't even trying to un-kental myself ah.. And you say I'm becoming less kental.. But since it's now crash and burn, i guess.. I'm always kental in everyone's eyes ah.. Especially you!

Sunday, November 23, 2008

What do you do when your friend irritates you for the 50th time?

Don't you dare punch me Zakiah!

Only I can punch you. :D

Saturday, November 22, 2008

I was just thinking about being the in-charge of the food for the chalet and it's starting to creep me out! I have to feed 20 plus people for 3 days AND prepare food for the BBQ too. MAMPOS! And I know how people can get cranky and noisy when they are hungry. Especially boys! Kan kan? And then everyone will blame me and I will once again, prove what a failure I am.

Who am I kidding?! Of course it will go well! I will MAKE SURE it all goes well. :)

Oh gosh, Nazli's right. I do have bipolar disorder. But it's ok! It makes me unique... :D Eh but alot of people suffer from this too right? OH NO, I HAVE TO STOP BEING SUCH A SKEET-ZO!

But you can't blame me though. You try listening to 10 hours of online lectures featuring your British lecturer with a super nasal voice who is trying to explain the solar energy cascade. And then spend 4 hours listening to your Korean/China/HongKong/Japan (I really dunno where he's from!) lecturer talk about the Cold War.
"The nose is the worst place"
"Nobody was allowed in the nose"
"Armies constantly invaded the nose"

I was like what the hell does this guy has against the anatomy that helps us to breathe?!

Only when he said "That's the difference between the South and the nose", do I finally realise he was referring to the word "NORTH" all these while.

After 14 hours of that, I did the only thing that made sense. Sleep. When I woke up, I saw random letters and numbers all over my face cos I fell asleep on my notes. HAHAH! I distinctly saw 'Stalin' on my forehead. :(

Ya Allah, ya Tuhanku...tolonglah hamba-Mu yang suffering so terribly ini...

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

I was feeling very very excited about the upcoming PBMA chalet but got EVEN MORE excited after reading the posts that were assigned to us by dear, merepek Khalis, the world's funniest fireman.

OIC: Fadhil
Asst OIC: Nadhirah
To overlook the whole event from the start till the end. And account for any missing members at any point in time. Everyone MUST inform these two if you're leaving the site for any reason.

Treasurer: Lisda
Asst treasurer: Aqilah
To settle all matters involving money by liaising with the food IC, booking IC etc. Every single cent is to be accounted for. Chase them, cuff them, tie them down, lasso them, whip them, shoot them, or threaten to tell cikgu asnah if they don't pay up.

Cleaniness: Mardhiah
Asst cleaniness: Nora
To ensure everyone clears up their OWN mess. If no one admits to making a particular mess, ask the nearest person to clean it up. If everyone is equidistant from the mess, both of you will have to clean it up.

Public relations: Nizar
Asst public relations: Hadi
To maintain good relationships amongst our members and with nearby chalet-ers. Maybe start off the chalet event with an ice-breaking session. Liaise with fadhil for hilarious self-made riddles.

Discipline: Khairyn
Asst discipline: Nora
To make sure there is no inappropriate behaviour amongst us. Especially latecoming, cursing, swearing, fighting, stealing, extortion, robbery, gangsterism, piracy, sodomy etc.

Games: Khalis
Asst games: Fariq
To plan and carry out the games smoothly with the participation of ALL members. Throw and catch tournament MUST go on. Avoid games like five stones, tic-tac-toe, chi-ko-pak etc.

Logistics: Amirul
Asst logistics: Afiq, Nasri and Fariz
To handle logistic matters during the event. Logistic matters include plates, cups, handsoaps, detergent, pillows, beds, mirrors, chairs, toiletries, toothpicks, combs, umbrellas etc.

Food: Nasirah
Asst food: Hafifah and Julianah
To plan and buy food for EVERY meal including the BBQ. No shortages or sausages. No pork, no lard. Food must be halal. Not necessarily kosher. Make sure syafiq eats his vege.

Drinks: Hashir
Asst drinks: Syafiq
To buy drinks and ice ENOUGH for everyone THROUGHOUT the event. Do not entertain anyone who insists on having hot drinks in the morning. No green tea. No alchohol.

BBQ: Izzah
Asst BBQ: Hudzaifah
To ensure the BBQ is being done smoothly. Liaise with the logistics IC for the fan, charcoal, tongs etc, and the food IC for the BBQ food. Nizar and hudzaifah as standby firefighting team.

Booking: Nuurun
To book the chalet.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

My stupid phone struck again... :(

1. Nas: I don't like that Lim Yu Beng wannabe! Wah, lucky I check what I typed, u know! Just now I wrote Lim Yup Bengal! Naseb I check if not, mesti awak marry!

Lis: Errrr... your 'marry' isn't any better ah....

2. Nas: OH NO! It cost 75 buxom!

Amin: Do you mean bux?

3. I already learnt my lesson to avoid Singlish since if you remember, "Ok lor" becomes "Ok Lord" and "Ya hor" becomes "Ya horse". But what I didn't expect was "mah" becoming "mahogany".

Nas: Cos we're cool mahogany!

Amin: ..........?! You know when you said your brain doesn't work? I'm starting to believe you.

4. Nas: Ok Azy, I'll see you soon! I just passed Ukraine.

Azy: What?! Naaaaas, you're sprouting nonsense again.......

In case you're wondering, it was Ikea that I just passed.

Sometimes MSN conversations can just be as confusing!

5. The last time I wanted to sms "chicks over dicks" it became "chicks over ducks" and dear Lisda HAD TO remember that.

Lisda says:
nxt time if u were to b caught in a situation to go out with chicks or ducks, its really ok with me if u choose the duck

Lisda says:
haha sounds so merepek!

Lisda says:
but u get wat i mean la kan

Lisda says:
cos no matter how "chicks over ducks" u try to b, i noe sometimes cant help it mah

Lisda says:
u just tell me e truth lor, if nxt time im tt chick u r caught in btwn with the duck

Lisda says:

NasPants says:
Wahlao eh! Quantum of SoLame seh!

Lisda says:

NasPants say:
Oh gosh, I am lame! It's all Fadhil's fault!

6. "Nad, I really want a Nissan Fairlady seh!"
"Ohhhh, is it a good facial wash?"
"Facial wash? It's a car lah, kental!"
" I know? Fairlady what.."


Everyone at the bus stop was staring at Nad and I felt so embarassed for her until....


8. My mum was watching the tv one day when she suddenly exclaimed, "Eh, The Nice Killer!"
I was busy studying so I didn't look up. Besides, why would I be interested to see The Nice Killer? Then she repeated, "Look! The Nice Killer!". I finally looked up and saw... Denise Keller.

Monday, November 17, 2008

The worst is telling the people who are the closest to you. It is not something that I will say in an everyday conversation. Even if I meant to tell you, I'll somehow chicken out at the end. I don't know why. For fear of being judged? For fear of being asked to choose? For fear of being asked the questions that I dread cos I believe there are no answers to them? I guess it's a mixture of all. So my dear friends, please don't be offended. If I didn't tell you, it's because I hold you close and dearly to my heart. That being said, I hope you will respect my decision as well. CHEERS!

Friday, November 14, 2008


Ok actually, we went jalan raya so it's excusable if we spent the whole day...
even if we only went to 4 houses. :)
Sitting on my wonderful bed...

And our ride for the day was...FARAH's MINI COOPER!

In case you're wondering what the inside of a Mini Cooper looks like...

It can also sometimes be filled with 4 incredible people.
"Let's vandalise this bicycle!"
But nobody listened to me! Story of my life...

Azy just had to pose where the dirt on Nad's mirror strategically covers her face!
Good job, Azy!
"Hey look! Can you spot the similarities between Nad and the flower?"

" about 'There are no differences'?"

"Wow. I never thought there was a perfect answer to this question."

Look at Farah's beautiful eye lashes! I'm so jealous!!!
Those things can trap more than just dust, trust me.

Our final house was Farah's house and I think a tour is deemed necessary.

Encik Alias's pride and joy...the fish pond!
Hmmm...a trampoline next to a swimming pool? I can already think of 10 different ways to have fun and then confirm hurt myself.
Living Room No. 1

Living Room No. 2 is just through those doors at the other end.

The dining room.

Living Room No. 3

Nad and her new best friend, Osim.

Living Room No. 3 and the gym behind it.

The Game Room. :) :)

I only pooled once but I didn't know the inexperience is going to be damn obvious here.

Just because her camera can shoot, she thinks it's a weapon!

Posing around the foosball table and not playing?

It's a girl thing!

Gossipping around the foosball table?

Say it with me now: It's a girl thing!

Nad was so tired after running around, looking excited at all the things she can do that she totally collapsed on one of the couches near Living Room No. 3!

And then she came up with the stupidest line of the night:
"Oh my God, I so totally camouflage with the couch. LOOK AT ME!"

But we spent most of our time in Living Room No. 4 where we played...

Farah, the Rock Band expert plays like this and still scored higher than the rest of us!

Ok now compare her relaxed face to this...

That's why they say don't play this in baju kurung!

"Nad Nad! Make a rocker face!"

Riane: Wow! Drums and cigarettes? You're already a bonafide rockstar!"


Nad, PRETENDING to twirl the drumsticks. Hahah.

Nad, PRETENDING that everything's going smoothly.

But before long.....

Professor Mcgonagall, Muslimah version.

After EVERYTHING, we just had to catch our breaths (and we've only just explored the 1st floor of the house lah! )and what better way to do that than to hang out in Farah's room! :)

Now, I think I need to alter my life goals abit:
1) Study hard
2) Get a good job
3) Marry a good man (doesn't has to be a pilot! See? I'm matured now..)
4) Be able to number my living rooms
Azy's Open House
I met a very very cute boy!
Totally cute and forever in his own world!

"Ooooo, so young and I'm already a ladies' man"
HAHAH! No wonder he turned around...sadly!

I think I'm the only sane one.

After eating, it's back to work! Cutting bread, Kampong-style....;)

Nad curi tulang and went to hide on the stairs behind Azy.
Look at her stealthy face! Hahah!

Whenever there's a camera, you'll always find a flock of girls not far behind.

And then Nad suddenly had a 'brilliant' idea.
She wanted to superimpose her face on mine! I'll show you how she did it...
Even though she failed worse than miserably, at least it kept her occupied for 10 minutes.

Nad acting all sneaky cos she just hacked into Azy's account. Hahah!

Talking about sneaky....
Here's Azy, pushing the 2 of us away just when the camera clicked.
Here's Azy, covering our faces just as the camera clicked.
Ok, it was late at night and we were exhausted so forgive us for acting so delirious.

Nad's final redeeming shot.