Monday, April 28, 2008

To my dearest Hershey-losing Azy Wuzzy,


Sempena Azy punye hari jadi,

Camera Nad super blurry.

Kesian Azy.....

We spent the day at.......

At the Tan Tock Seng branch cos Azy's a staff there and there was 50% off that day! Woohoo! It's like taking advantage of the birthday girl seh. Sorry Azy!

Warning: The next picture is an incomplete one. The birthday girl herself was found to be missing.

We come in 3's. ('We come in peace'. Get it? HAHA!) But each sold separately. Senior citizens not included.

Azy, where were you!!!?

Sunday, April 27, 2008


Meet Michelle, Aqilah and the closest thing to a cadaver we've come across. So far.

Lina (don't ask me what she's doing) and Mr. Maigata Iso Pern. More commonly known as Mr. My Gut Is Open.

Sheila, you crazy blood-waster you! But for what it's worth, you have cute red blood cells.
"When you are sick, doctors will touch the area behind your ear right? Can anybody tell me what is he feeling for?"
"Lymph node!"

Friday, April 25, 2008

Got this from Lisda and i just have to put it up.


Ah Beng bought a new mobile. He sent a message to everyone from his Phone Book & said,
"My Mobile No. Has changed. Earlier it was Nokia 3310. Now it is 6610"
Ah Beng : I am a Proud, coz my son is in Medical College .
Friend: Really, what is he studying.
Ah Beng: No, he is not studying, they are Studying him.
Ah Beng : Doctor, in my dreams, I play football every night.
DR: Take this tablet, you will be ok.
Ah Beng : Can I take tomorrow, tonight is final game.
Ah Beng : If I die, will u remarry?
Wife: No! I'll stay with my sister. But if I die will u remarry?
Ah Beng : No, I'll also stay with your sister.
Ah Beng : People consider me as a "GOD"
Wife: How do you know??
Ah Beng : When I went to the Park today, everybody said, Oh GOD! U have come again.
Ah Beng complained to the police: "Sir, all items are missing, except the TV in my house."
Police: "How come the thief did not take TV?"
Ah Beng : "I was watching TV news..."
Ah Beng comes back to his car & find a note saying "Parking Fine" He Writes a note and sticks it to a pole "Thanks for complement."
How do you recognize Ah Beng in School?
He is the one who erases the notes from the book when the teacher erases the board.
Once Ah Beng was walking he had a glove on one hand and not on other. So the man asked him why he did so. He replied that the weather forecast announced that on one hand it would be cold and on the other hand it would be hot.
Ah Beng in a bar and his cellular phone rings. He picks it up and says "Hello, how did you know I was here?"
Ah Beng : Why are all these people running?
Man : This is a race, the winner will get the cup
Ah Beng : If only the winner will get the cup, why others running?===================================================
Teacher: "I killed a person.", convert this sentence into future tense
Ah Beng : The future tense is "you will go to jail"
Ah Beng told his servant: "Go and water the plants!"
Servant: "It's already raining."
Ah Beng : "So what? Take an umbrella and go."
A man asked Ah Beng why Ahmad Badawi goes walking in the evening and not in the morning. Ah Beng replied Ahmad Badawi is PM not AM

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

On a day like this.....
... I thought it would be fun to challenge my brother to a Push-pop challenge! This is one of the rarer games where the more you suck, the better you are. The blue one's mine so obviously, i lost. Contrary to popular belief, I do not suck that much.

Oh, and i finally got my laptop skin and i love it!!!!

"Is that a new couple?"
"How are they?"
"They have weird pet names for each other including 'noisy bitch' and 'sick bastard'"

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Oh man! I accidentally deleted the post about my school!

Ok, a summary:

1) School is great! There were more than a few familiar faces. But mostly, it's great because i get to study. Which is something i thought i would NEVER say. Even if it's quantum physics.

2) School is not so great when it comes to cutting up cadavers though. I'm going to find out Islam's view on this. By finding out, I meant waiting for Zakiah to research and giving me the answer.

3) 1 week has passed and i'm already known as 'the merepek one'. I thought i could start afresh. You know, new school, new friends. But i guess it was wishful thinking on my part cos i forgot Zakiah is here. She, who told all the Malay boys in secondary school about my embarassing escapades. She, who goes one step further and publicise them on Facebook. So i kinda give up.

4) Oh we met HAIZAD IMRAN in the canteen!!!! I'm guessing his taking an advanced dip. He looks so cute laughing with his friends. And his hair is back to its normal colour and not like the hideous one he sported in Zero Downpayment. When i was walking past him i wanted to feign a faint so that he could nurse me back to health. Luckily my dignity knocked me hard in the head and shouted (shrilly-ly, i might add), "HELLO?!" just in time.

Wow. I guess i CAN remember most of the stuff i wrote previously. Well i shouldn't be surprised cos i have a penchant for remembering stupid, meaningless and unworthy-of-my-brain-space stuffs. Right, everyone i know?

Sunday, April 13, 2008

SUNDAY, 13th April 2008

Today i spent the day with....

At Changi Airport. Kinda like a bacholerette party but instead of entering married life, they are sending me off into school life! And instead of hiring strippers, we were the whores instead. But don't get me wrong! We were the socially acceptable whores because all we do is cam-whore. So anyway, I can't wait for school to start because i don't think my brain can stand another minute of rotting.

"Eh wah! This picture is so vintage!!!"

What i was thinking but didn't dare say out loud because Nad was within slapping distance of me, "Yup, just like the skytrains in those villages back in the 50's..."

At Coffee Bean.

While waiting for the skytrain, we took advantage of the gorgeous lighting.

"OMG, this is just like art."
"Yup, art that will definitely NOT sell."

Since we are not hiring strippers for my bachelorette party, might as well use the pole and pretend to be sailors. Yang terus sekali tak menjadi.

And as if this wasn't embarassing enough, Nad ans Azy were singing : "A sailor went to sea sea sea to see what he could see see see. " Loudly and more than once.

Ok this picture was candid. Azy was VERY quick with the camera. This was when we were both astunnished (Nad's new word) by some loud rumbling noises. Later we realised it was just buses. So jakun you know..Just look at Nad's face!

Nad decided to join Azy and me in our pole-dancing.

Friday, April 11, 2008

FRIDAY, 11th April 2008

Today was orientation, NUS interview and PBMA barbeque day.

I took 86 in the morning. Usually it will take around 20-30 minutes for me to reach yio chu kang. But today is special. Just for me, the bus was caught in 4 different jams on its route from Sengang to Yio Chu Kang. So a journey that would normally take 30 minutes became.....ONE HOUR AND FORTY FREAKING MINUTES! And it didn't help that i was sitting beside this man who was clearly worried about being late for work and he kept adjusting his tie...I wanted to rip his tie off!!! Either that or choke him to death with it. That's when i realised you don't have to be a driver to experience road rage.

To make matters worst, the admin people from NUS called and said my interview slot is now at 1045 instead of 1215. So to recap....
Me, stuck in a jam in the middle of nowhere and can't get down. Orientation starts at 8.30. It was already 8.50. Meanwhile, i still dunno how on earth i am going to get to NUS by 1015. And Mr. Worried beside me was still yanking his tie.

I'm very lazy to continue and it still physically hurts me to talk about it. So let's just say, everything turn out fine. Even the interview. :)

So then i went home and was feeling damn excited about the barbeque later. BUT i forgot that i had tuition at 6 pm!!! Until my mom reminded me. But i was SO sad because there was no way i could make it to the bbq. I decided to try my luck and call all 4 parents to see whether they can send them 1 hour earlier. And they agreed!!! But i was still late for the bbq because of the stupid 965 which was VERY slow. And becase i got lost again (damn you, night-blindness!) i couldn't buy the one tiny thing Lisda asked me to: Matchsticks.

The Survivors. The ones that OUTLAST. OUTWIT and OUTPLAY don't matter in this case. But technically, i didn't 'survive' anything because i came at 8.10.

The very tired NS boys. And the very happy Fariq.

Look at Fariq's schizo fingers! On one hand it is normal, on the other....Let's just say he puts a whole new meaning to giving the 'twist'.

The organisers and the Sheng Shiong lovers. To quote Aqilah (a.k.a Honey Queen): "They have everything Nasirah. EVERYTHING!"
And i bet they learnt one thing: Never go rock-climbing before organising a bbq.
In Lisda's words "Penat nak mampos seh!"
Fadhil didnt have to say anything. Just look at his face.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

When Americans have nothing to do, they protest over stupid stuffs. Well who am i to call people stupid? But i will proceed to tell you what they did and you be the judge.

Red-heads in America are protesting against the popular fast-food chain, Wendy's. Because of their logo which they believe is an unfair protrayal of red-heads.

In the protest they actually said things like:

"Our faces are not straight white-chalky. We do have some pigment."




Here's the video of the protest if you do actually want to see it:

I don't really think it's a REAL protest. Just something for fun. Which is why i said it is time-wasting. But i realised there is something more time-wasting than this and that is searching for "protest" at YouTube and then blogging about it. Oh, and those of you who just watched the aboved video, congratulations, you too, have just wasted your time. Wanna go all out and protest against Ronald?
Rivervale Mall is having a massive book sale! All 2nd hand books selling from $1-$10. Average 4 bucks! And they are all in good condition. Of course me and my sis went crazy and we were so enthused abt the books we forgot to buy the one thing we came to the mall for.

I was so proud of my buys! Until I saw what my sis bought.

You see, this is what i bought:
1) 4 SVU books
2) 1 Two Of A Kind book
3) 1 BabySitters Club Mystery Special
4) 3-in-1 Horror Special by R.L Stine
5) 1 Goosebumps 3-in-1 Special.

And my sis bought:
1) Roald Dahl Short Stories
2) Village By The Sea
3) Memoirs of a Geisha
4) The Little Prince

See what i mean? But i tried defending myself!

"I'm much younger than her what! So can lah!"
"Yes, but that doesn't change the fact that you are 19 Nas!"


Honourable mention for the UK.....followed closely by the US
and then Poland...

3rd place has to go to Greece...

Runner-up award goes to Serbia.

But the winner has to go to...IRELAND!
You gotta love the Irish.

They are true romantics..Look, he's even holding her hand!

Got it from a forwarded email. But i had to put this up here cos it goes so well with my 'Guys are as shallow as the water in my toilet bowl' motto.

Monday, April 7, 2008

For breakfast I had Honey Stars and then felt really sick! Like stomach flu sick. Don't get me wrong. They are still the tastiest stars in the universe. I think it's something I must've ate last night. :( But it's okay because i think my room is very clean now cos whenever i'm sick, i clean. What better way to get rid of germs and viruses in your body than to get rid of germs and rubbish in your room right? (Doesn't seems to make much sense but i'm sick. So, excusable.)

Remember this?

Well i finally managed to clean it! And the only way is by throwing out alot of stuffs. Mostly expired products and empty bottles. It's still not Monica Geller-clean but at least it's clutter-free. As long as i can reach the stuffs at the back without the other stuffs toppling then i'm happy.

And i found this: My first authentic watch given to me by my uncle after PSLE results. I took it out of the case only to find that the straps broke into 3 parts! I only used it 3 times in my life. Gosh! And then when i wanted to put it back in the case, the other side of the strap broke into 2. :( So hopeless.

The best part about cleaning out your drawers and shelves and closets is when you find treasures. You know, stuffs you thought you lost. Stuffs you never knew you had. Stuffs you bought and then forgotten all about it. That's what happened! I've been looking for this bag all over the place and i finally found it! It's a 'Frankfurt am Main' printed bag but i bought it in Munich. That's why it's very special. Sounds weird but then again, I AM weird.

I can't believe i found this! I always collect all my plane tickets and these were missing. I remembered i kept calling my brother "Muhammadir" for quite some time even when we got back to Singapore. Nothing beats pissing off your brother.

There was this bag where we kept ALL our receipts from ALL the stores we bought stuff from. Not to keep tabs on our spending but as souveneirs. Pathetic? I think so. But i so remembered this shop. "Sir Save A Lot". Our favourite shop! It's like ValueDollar or the One.99 Shop only the people there are more creative with their shop names. I saw one shop selling papers and it's called "HOLY SHEET".

The next part is the BEST part. Cards from very special people for my 18th birthday! Don't worry! These were not accidentally found. I knew they were there :)

"....We've known each other for about 4 years already! Soon, our Alevels will come and it reminds me of the time we studied at the cafe at Chengsan CC for our O'levels. And there's also Galilee. And tuition at your house...So fun!!"
Khairyn's message was full of emotion and nostalgia. Hai.... But it's true we always had fun.
"You redefine the meaning of a friend. Need I say more? -Your cute and lovable laughing kaki, Zakiah"
So short. So sweet. So Zakiah. Especially the last part. hahaha. I hope i redefine in a good way though.

"...I wanted it to represent our childhood and the times we spent doing stupid things and having stupid fights. We've been so close since young till now... and i wish to never stop doing that."

Awwwwww. It's so true! From when we were 4 or 5 we will always have sleepovers. Our sleepovers last time was so fun! We will stay up until 4am watching movies or just talking and eating our favourite AirHeads. Now, we mostly have study marathons when we have sleepovers but we ALWAYS have fun.

"I'm glad we've kept this friendship of ours going. Maybe a huge part of it is due to the fact that we share the same interests, passions and goals. But as the saying goes, it's not about the common things that we share but also about respecting each other's differences.
....Till then, to more years of studying bawah block together, movies together, shopping together and more!"
:):) There's nothing better than having your study buddy, movie partner, shopping and gossip kaki all rolled into one. That's why i'm glad i have my Syaza.

From 06S501..

"NasPants, we love you as much as i'm a SCHIZO!"

"Nas (she drew a pair of PANTS), Halal Trinity wouldn't be the same without you. Heck, it wouldn't even BE a trinity. Thank you for layan-ing Nad for me."

"Hey Nas Pants! Azy stole my pants!..."

I just wrote down the 1st three. The rest are JUST AS IMPORTANT to me but i'm getting drowsy from the medicine. Pardon me.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

With the help of my dad, I set up my very own studio for my BodyShop products. Actually it was my dad's idea. I'm more of a handphone camera kind of person. Take a look....(it's okay if you laugh. I did too...)

After a few hours it started to get dark outside and we couldnt use the camera'a flash cos it's too glaring. So....
And the results! Drumroll please......

Not too bad if i do say so myself. :)
Yesterday was the day when my idioticity shone to its maximum potential. A little more idiotness (up to date, I have created 2 nouns and I'm strangely proud of that) and I will give Mr Bean a run for his money. Normal people would feel shameful about telling people their idiotic moments but not me cos everybody already knows I'm an idiot. So that's me...idiotic and shameless. Nice.

Me and Zakiah went for our medical check-up at Woodlands Civic Centre. It went hideously wrong. Hideously.

When taking my weight, the person asked me to face the door. I looked at the door and it was open. So i was confused because facing the door when it is open and facing it when it is closed are 2 different directions altogether.
So i asked the nurse, "When it is closed or opened?"
Nurse: What?
Me: The door. Face it when it is closed or open?

She gave up and just pointed to where i should face.

Then she gave me a stick with different coloured squares on it and told me to, "Go and pee."
I stood there waiting for the cup but they didnt give me anything.
So i had to ask, "Can I have the cup please?"
Nurse: What cup?
Me: Errr.. For me to pee in. *Sheepish grin*
Nurse: Oh, no need cup!
Me: Then pee where?!!

How was I to know to pee over the stick?

When i came back, she asked me, "Any history of fits?"
What i heard was, "Are you really fit?"
So i answered, "Ermmm, i think so but not very lah."

At the blood test station, I was all shaking and nervous because i do have a sight case of haemophobia. (I nearly died watching Sweeney Todd) I guess the nurse noticed and asked me how I was feeling.
I said, " Ok tapi takot ah. Tak suka darah."
After I answered her a few times in Malay, she finally told me she's Filipino and didnt understand a word i was saying. Thanks man! You could have told me earlier and not make me feel like a total idiot (although i think it's already 19 years too late). And as if she was afraid I didnt believe she's Filipino, her nametag reads "Maria".

There are a few other stupid moments i had but i think it's too difficult to describe in words. For more details, please do not hesitate to ask me in person. Better yet, ask Zakiah. She was there and there's no one better at hyping up the whole Nas-is-an-idiot thing. Well she and let's not forget Lisda.
I really, really ('hate' will be a very strong word so...) dislike my grandmother. I have tried very very very hard to be civil towards her but I think I'm going to explode. Seriously. It's too much for any human to take! Maybe Mother Theresa but definitely not me! Like just now she said something that really hurt me. I'm not even going to say what it is cos it's offensive to...EVERYONE! The number of times she did something to anger me is countless. Sometimes I think she gets a kick from seeing how much taunting I can take. One time I got so angry I tore my towel. I'm not kidding.

As I am writing this, she is behind me talking but I learnt to shut her out because whatever she has to say will DEFINITELY make my night worser than it already is. It is nearly 1 in the morning, I am tired and having a headache but I cannot sleep because I am still thinking about what she said. And all the other stuffs she said and done before. And it is times like these when I will look at her when she isn't looking and I can't help but be remembered of the fact that she isn't my real grandmother. We are not related by blood. As much as I don't want to think it, I just can't. The old lady on my bed is just like a neighbour who came here to sleep.